I killed him! šŸ˜­

I melted my first baby! I feel so bad! I was having trouble with is head sinking in and so I did my final matte coat and put polyfill in. His little face meltedā€¦As you can tell Iā€™m quite sad and feel a failure.

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Oh no!

Iā€™m sorry to hear that happened to you. It has happened to me before. I donā€™t know what it is with polyfil in the head. It splits the head open when it is heated.

That is terrible! What kit were you painting?

Thank you. I had never had the problem of heads sinking in and it was the first time I tried the polyfill while baking. Poor thing was on the final lap and I melted his little face. It is very cold outside too so it may have been a combination of all of this. Right now Iā€™m binge eating Reeseā€™s. :disappointed:


He was a Teddi Winters and was going to be my first cuddle baby.

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Oh, Im so sorry :frowning:

Thank you @Mommarobin.

I know that broke your heart. So sorry.

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I am so sorry, itā€™s a heart braking, but I had to tell you that I baked once head with polyfil and glass beads and nothing happened. I guess I was lucky.


Damn girl!!! Iā€™m sorry!!! Thereā€™s no fixing him???

Wanna show a photo? Maybe we can figure something out!

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@Nikkiroc, thank you. He isnā€™t fixable. :slightly_frowning_face: The right side of his little face is all droopy. Like he had a stroke.

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I am So sorry!! :disappointed:

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Oh honey!!! Iā€™m so sorry!!! Can you make him into an alternative?


Iā€™m so sorry about your head :frowning: I always feel sad hearing about melted heads. I wonder if there is a way to prevent this? I havenā€™t baked my first head yet and Iā€™m scared of this happening.

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@Becca, the good news is that this is the first one Iā€™ve ever melted of over sixty babies. I am lucky.
@Nikkiroc, he possibly could be an alternative baby. I just donā€™t know if I want to do that. I had to put him away, he is like ā€œwhy did you do this to me?ā€.


I totally totally get this!!! Poor guy!!!

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I feel for you! So sorry this happened. I melted one of my Larry Blick heads once and it was so traumatic. And Teddi is a sold out kit. He was my favorite when I began reborning. Hugs

Thank you @InfantInspirations. I know many of you all have been in this same spot once or twice.

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