I keep missing kits

I keep missing Cassie Braces new kits :angry: I missed out on Estela and now i just saw she had another one come out, and its also sold out! Is she only making limited amounts of kits now? I really liked the new too :sleepy:

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She is making her babies in very limited editions of only 500 units worldwide :broken_heart:


Wow, thats why when i see a new kit its already sold out :unamused:


You have to be poised and waiting on your tablet, computer and phone and be logged into 3 sites that have the kit available. Continue to refresh the pages until the order button appears and then move quickly…


Oh my goodness, that sounds extreme :flushed::rofl:


But it’s so exciting. So far I’ve managed to get every Blick kit I tried for as well as both of the newest Brace kits. And usually I’m able to buy from multiple sites before they sell out. (Usually 2-10 minutes is all they last.) it’s definitely doable. But like Pia said, you have to be logged in, ready, and constantly refresh.


Estela actually took several hours(or maybe even over a day) to sell out (she was a preorder unlike the recent one). I set so many alarms and was panicking, only for there to not be so much demand. Otilie was much more popular, which I think is funny because I think estela is so much cuter. But I think that’s only because I love awake babies!


Is she planning on doing ALL her kits like this now? I really hope not, because it’s crazy.


Yes. She’s planning to do this with all of her kits from now on. It’s not crazy. She creates beautiful presentations for them and now her kits will be much more desirable. It’s less money for her. But she’s trying to keep them from being copied. Each kit now comes with a transfer log to be able to track each time it gets sold. And I’ve seen lots of artists from the old days say how exciting it used to be, trying to get the limited edition kits. I agree. I get super excited about Blick kits, even if they are ugly. Now I will do the same about the Brace kits. It’s fun to try to snag one. :grin:


I agree, I love the limited editions lol, I get a rush waiting to see if I’ll be able to get a kit!


I agree with that, I guess. I’ll just try to see if I even know about the next kit. Do you even know when a kits coming? And how?


She posts them on Facebook and Instagram. And usually they get shared on this forum ahead of time too. Cassie always gives a few days notice. Also if you are signed up for emails from the dealers you will get an email as soon as they find out when orders will open.


This is the next one


So about a month notice



Now Wilby I want!!


Me too. I love this one!

Thank you so much for the info, i really like this new one, hopefully ill learn how to get one lol

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Wilby by Cassie Brace will be open for order on Sunday. This kit is in stock at the dealers and will ship on Monday. TruBorn (Bobbi Barfoot) will be selling for $114.99 with free shipping. I don’t know how any she will have, so you might want to have MacPherson open as a back-up. Otillie sold out in about 3 minutes.

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I think it really depends on the kit. Estella took almost (maybe over in some places) a day. Vs otillie went super quick!


I think Estella was a fluke. Now that people realize that all of Cassie’s kits are going to be limited to 500, I bet they will all sell within minutes….just like the Blick kits. Natali Blick’s kits sell within minutes even if they are ugly. So Cassie’s will too. At this point, it won’t really be about the actual kit, but about the rarity and immediate value increase.