I just want to share my joy

On this day that I already had so much to be thankful for, God giving us this wonderful world. The veterans in my family and others who have given us the chance to live free. I got in my truck to go to the family meal and my truck was in Park! Now it has not been in park since I hit that deer months ago. It not only was in park. It started in park and it went back in park when I got to Grandmas house! It shifted without a lot of trouble out of first! The air conditioner is leaking in my cab now but I was told that is a stopped up hose and not a hard fix. Thank you God I will take this problem over the transmission any day!

Thank you Gin

Praise God! So happy for you. Hope it keeps running and get that hose unplugged before summer really gets here!

I’m blessed to have AC since we got this van…except on the ferry ride when they make you turn off your car for the half hour ride. At least there is a breeze sometimes! And every now and then spray from a wave if we’re lucky! Just have to watch the birds don’t poop on your head like one did on mine once…on the way to church no less. We didn’t make it that week and BTW seagull poop is full of sand! Thought I’d never get it all out. But made the kids laugh and laugh and laugh!

God is good … So happy for you …