I hate the wig but I'm just done

Rooting was too hard and after hours I gave up. I ordered a wig which I hate. It’s longer and fuller than shown in the picture. It was actually the second wig I ordered, neither one looked like they were pictured and I’m just done. I’ll make the eyebrows but I’m just done. I’ve spent so much time on this doll that I’m burned out and can’t stand to spend more time as I am getting more and more frustrated with the problems. I ordered inserts, they were too small to really represent the belly and bum. I ordered a beating heart and it clicks 5 times and stops, which wasn’t in the description. The purple outfit I ordered only brings out how red she is. I attempted to root the brows and hair and the needle wouldn’t pick up the hair 3/4 of the time. I know there are some people on here who love this process and love making these dolls, but I don’t love the process. I love the dolls, I fall in love with so many kits, but frankly, I’ve spent over $150 on stuff for this one doll, I would have rather spent $100 more and BOUGHT a doll. So, for now, I’m tossing in the towel. I’m finishing her brows, putting the magnet in a pacifier, and I’m done. My daughter loves and adores her, and I guess that’s all that matters, but, I’m feeling very disappointed in the final product.


p.s. before you ask for pics, let me let this awful wig sink in for a bit, I’ll post pics in a couple days.


I’m sorry you are so disappointed with your baby, but glad your daughter likes her. I would like to see pictures but understand if you don’t want to share them. Thinning the hair may help.
Just remember some of us are born to be reborn artist (not me :unamused:) and others (me) have to work through trial and error and ugly babies.

how do I thin her hair? I went by pictures that show it could be styled 2 ways, NOT TRUE since the ponytail is built in to the middle and if I attempt 2 small pony tails the weave shows, frankly, I’m disappointed that it looks like a bad weave when it came from one of the “good” wig places recommended for reborns. Can you give me a link to a tutorial on thinning and possibly cutting the wig? I snipped a bit off the front just so I could even see her eyes, it wasn’t supposed to be down to her nose. Here is a pic of what the wig was SUPPOSED to look like…


this isn’t my doll, it was on the listing with the wig…

This is Olive, I couldn’t stand that purple against her overly pink skin so I put on a green jumper that belonged to my daughter as a newborn and it makes me feel better, even if it does cover her sweet little feet. I added the magnets because I haven’t bought the pacifier yet and wanted to complete her. I’ll do the eyebrows later this weekend or next week after I get over my initial discouraged feelings. The hair is just awful, not at all like pictured. I want to cut it but am scared to cut too much for fear of making it worse or look like a boy’s hair cut with feathering. I want it to look like a sweet baby girl with baby hair, and twice I ordered wigs that came in and looked very different. Just frustrated…

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She doesn’t look that bad. Don’t forget “we are our own worst critics”!! Here’s another happy point---- you will get better with each baby!! The main problem I see with the wig is it’s way to long for a baby. Don’t give up unless you just “hate” the whole process of reborning!! You can order a practice kit or head and try to learn to paint hair, maybe that will solve you problems. Good Luck.


I was just happier with her before I put the wig on, now that my daughter saw the wig and felt how soft it was she really wants it, but I ordered what I THOUGHT was baby length hair according to the picture on the listing and clearly it’s for 1-2 years. It’s super soft but the weave is VERY noticeable to be coming from such a high end place. It wasn’t cheap so I just expected more. Now it’s too late to switch it. I’m going to attempt to trim some of it. I may paint hair in the future.

Looks like they had done some major thinning of the wig in the picture from the site.

@soulfire Your baby is fine, and your daughter loves her. Do not get discouraged, I do not know what number baby she is for you but I am still not happy with my realistic babies and I am on baby number 12, I think, anyway, my first went very well as I was making an alternative so it did not matter if it was too red or ugly creases etc…It kept me going. Baby number 2 I did realistic, I had so many problems with paint etc, I did not even attempt hair and the brows were hideous, lol. I gave her to my MIL who loves her. So do not be discouraged, if you love painting - It will get better, it is not easy as it looks and it does cost, but it is so rewarding to the person that receives your baby that you toss all of your misgivings out the window. My first baby went to my very grown daughter and she treasures it. Do not stop, just do it different. I have so many notes all over the place so that hopefully I won’t make the same mistake twice, but you never know. I am addicted, I can’t stop. Good Luck!!!

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She is my first, I painted and assembled her with my 6 year old daughter. The doll is for her, meant to be special, something we made together that is lasting. I still don’t like the hair, the paint is redder than I wanted but I stripped the paint twice and was happier with the third attempt. The hair I’m not happy about, I did cut it a little but still…not happy. My daughter loves her. If I do another doll it won’t be till sometime in 2017. Too much to do for the holidays.

Thanks for the encouragement.

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She is awesome for your first. Looking forward to your future babies!

Thank you, that is the good in the situation. My daughter adores her so that’s what matters and we built her together.

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You have accomplished your goal, making your baby happy. Try again later and don’t put any expectations on your second try. Just let your effort flow naturally with no internal or external pressures. This is not a cheap hobby as you have found. Since you’ve already invested a lot, don’t give up yet.

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Took the wig off, bought eyebrows to glue on, much happier now. She’s finally all done.

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the wig wasn’t wasted though, we had another doll that my mom gave my daughter in July that came with nasty glue and hacked up hair, my mom thought I could fix it or put on a hat. I ended up giving the wig I initially put on Olive to that doll and it suits her very well. So, at least it wasn’t a waste.