I hate Sansa's limbs

What on earth…the most awkward and ugliest set of limbs! lol. Sorry I had to be honest. I am goin to have to swap out for another kind of limbs for this girl. For such a sweet face, her limbs are not only out of proportion, but her legs have the hip sculpted in and one is bent and the other straight…i dont like them. Sorry had to vent!

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Mind sharing pics so we can see too?

I swear the left arm in at least an inch shorter than the right!!!


I think they look fine myself. Kinda reminds me of Saska’s legs.


Aw, I like my Sansa’s limbs… but I guess we all have our own preferences! I hope you find a set of limbs you like. Sansa’s vinyl is so squishy, you might have trouble getting a match that “feels” right.


What size is she? I have some Kimberly limbs.

20 inch

i have several kits…I may swap out one depending on her vinyl coloration

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I also like the limbs it looks more natural to have one straight leg and one scrunched.

Legs were ackward looking, I tried 3 differnt bodies and still wasn’t happy with them

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