I got my order with my free kit

It’s the awake Asher. I was hoping for the asleep Asher because I already have the awake one. Maybe twins?


I got mine yesterday. I got Kase Awake. I’ve never thought of reborning him so now I have to think about it and see if I want to. I have so many in the works that he’ll have to wait anyway.

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I’m disappointed. I was expecting my package yesterday or at the latest today. I then realized I never got a shipping email. I looked at my spam and deleted files, but I never got it. So I emailed BB sales tonight. I was looking forward to see what free kit I got. :tired_face:

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I also got a asher awake, Thanks bountiful baby. i m not sure about his eyes but we will see . I tend to do sleeping babies but i get allot of people wanting awake ones so hopefully i can make this little guy come out well. I also bought a thomas Im in love with him :)! I think hes is so cute! poor asher awake im unsure about him crossing my fingers though. This worked out very well for me though because i was putting getting thomas off and with such a great deal i couldnt say no :)! very happy with bb you guys are great.

Michele, let us know what BB does about it. I bet they’ll work it out. Sorry you have to wait.

I got Kase Awake, but I also ordered Thomas Sleeping as part of my $100 order. He’s very cute.

I ordered Presley Awake when i spent my hundred and they sent me Presley and Kase awake. I promptly forgot what i ordered and when I opened the box I thought I got Presley awake for free and then I saw Kase awake. Boy was I confused for a senior moment. Then I remembered, “Oh yeah, I bought Presley.” Sheesh.


Sounds like me! LOL!!! I’ve fed the dogs and some time later thanked my hubby for feeding them. He looked at me with a blank stare until I realized I had been the one that fed them. Oh well. Gotta’ laugh. :laughing: :blush:


Bb wrote me this morning. They didn’t ship my order yet because 2 of the blankets were out of stock. They are giving me 2 free blankets for all the trouble. Thats very good of them.


I finally got my order today. YEAH! I got Asher awake. I was kinda hoping for Kase awake but since I have Asher asleep, it will be a nice compliment to him. Maybe do a twin thing.

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