I got a Lexi!

Love the deep discounts. Been waiting for Lexi and finally got her. Has anyone reborn his kit? I know she’s small but after working on a few big ones I could use the break. Rooting just takes forever on bigger heads…lol


I love Lexi. Also snagged one just a few minutes ago. Yes, I have done one…a boy. I have an order for another little boy, but I am going to hang on to the one I just bought so I can make a little girl.

Here’s my little Lexi boy.


He’s adorable. Every bit as sweet as I thought this kit would be. my husband asked if I needed the kit and all I could say was…need? Define need.

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Thank you. My husband always asks that same “need” question…the answer is always “Yes.” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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He’s a little angel.

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He has the sweetest face. One of my favorite sculpts.

I’ve done her as well for my Young Collectors Doll Series…she is a sweet little one and a pleasure to reborn…


You take beautiful pictures, Starr. What kind of camera do you use? Or is it the lighting? Or maybe it’s your raw talent. The baby is just so creamy and beautiful. You get the smoothest skin tones. I love the color.


Heehee, you are so funny…I have NO talent with a camera…I use a Sony Cyber-Shot and it does it’s own thing…What ever it gives me I take…hahahaha! I am terrible at the moment. In the midst of a slow move so have been taking the shots on my desk with an over head light and a big Goose neck desk lamp…My poor little camera does a lot of zooming in and out trying to focus the shot…poor thing. It is one of those self focusing, self- everything cameras…it even tells me that my doll has ‘eye blink’ when it snaps a shot of a sleeper and it is able to tell that it is an infant as well…It is a bit scary really…lol Thanks for the kind compliments though I have to credit my camera and not me for the pics… :smile:

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Yeah, that’s kinda’ scary. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: