I finished rooting Bhirny! Photo bomb alert!

Hello ladies! I finished rooting my mini Ofelia aka Bhirny . I’m still struggling with technique but I’m happy with the outcome. I have to say I followed Kim’s tutorials on YouTube and it’s as if a light bulb went off in my brain. I followed her advice and mapped the head first and then used the “root a loop” . It works pretty good but I still have to practice more so I don’t grab more than two hairs at a time.
So, here she is, all done! :blush:


Aw, she’s gorgeous! She is just the cutest little thing. I love her to bits :heart:

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She looks great with hair!

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She is adorable I just love her. She is so surprised that you popped in and took all of those pics. LOL

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Awe what a cute mini baby.

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She is just gorgeous…love this little one…!!..:purple_heart:

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Super adorable!!!

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Oh my goodness! She is so precious!!

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What a cutie!

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PERFECT!!! It’s great the way the ends peek out around a hat😀 Seriously PERFECT!

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She is the cutest little thing. I love her outfits. :heart_eyes_cat:

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Oh my Gosh she is to die for!! She is so precious!!!

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Oh I love her and her bottle!! Old style Evenflo!!

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So precious! Is that bottle a antique toy one?

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The bottle was part of a Shabby Little Babies custom set Misty made for me awhile back. :heart_eyes: It was a surprise extra.

She’s too cute for words. Love her wardrobe.

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I love her with hair, and I loved her with out,good job.She is a cutie.

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So stinkin cute!!!

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She is adorable!! & please tell me where you got the baby bottle -.I’ve gotten a couple cheapo plastic ones I donated to my animal shelter for orphan pets. They were functional but not pretty!!Thanks

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