I finally finished my Naomi

She is such a beauty Willow!!! I love her and I hope mine turns out half that good. I am going to paint mine soon. I gotta finish this Asher and get it listed. He has been in process for almost a year LOL!


Beautiful :innocent: I like Iyla Mae! Definitely suits her :innocent:

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GREAT JOB!! I just love her! How did you get her lips that color? So cute :slight_smile:

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Love how the eyebrows connect to the hair.I also think those are the best feet ive seen.Maybe i get you to do my feetā€¦lol just playingā€¦nice baby

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Thank you sooooooooo much everyone!!! I love all of you! :heart:
@BGoodChild, I got the yellow color on the nose and toes with thin washes of Genesis Yellow, and a little bit of Burnt Umber.
@avyona, I got her lip color with lip/blush/nail, genesis red, vein blue, and a little bit of white. :wink:
Thank you everyone for your comments!


Very, very pretty. I think she looks like an Amelia Naomi. Love her!!

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I tallied up the 3 names, and there was a tye between Iyla Mae and Juniper Rose. I need some final votes to break the tye. :wink:
So, what will it be? Juniper, or Iyla? :slight_smile:

I am also open to new suggestions. :smile:

Still love Iyla Mae!!! I love unique names! Iā€™ve never heard that name before but, if you donā€™t mind, I may use it in the future :blush:

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Nevaeh Rose is pretty too :slight_smile: Since she looks like a little angel Heaven spelled backwards :innocent:

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Or Nevaeh Grace :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your suggestions! They are all so beautiful! :heart:
I had my family vote, and I think we have settled on Juniper Rose. :blush:

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Oh Willow, she is totally gorgeous. Sheā€™s so soft looking. I love the name Juniper Rose :heart:

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Great pick :slight_smile: sheā€™s beautiful!

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She is GORGEOUS WILLOW!!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Thank you, Nikki! :heart: I love you!

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