I finally finished my Naomi

I like Juniper Rose.


Thank you! :heart:

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Beautiful as always :baby_bottle::baby_bottle:

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Oh I love her Willow. I’m gonna have to have you paint a baby for me in the future!

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Awww, thank you! I’ll PM you when I have a spot available. :wink:

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Wow she looks beautiful - so much talent in all you young ladies on here :slight_smile:

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Thank you!


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I think you should name her WILLOW

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AW I love her. Your very talented.

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I like Iyla Mae !

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Thank you so much everyone! I will decide her name very soon. :wink:

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I love the way you paint Willow!!! She came out wonderfully!!! Im so proud to have a baby that you painted. When i save up some more money ill have to see about getting you to paint one of my Realborn kits :smiley: <3


Very pretty :slight_smile:

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Well Willow…she is just perfect…You have surpassed all your others (though they have all been really lovely!) Her skin tones are beautiful…perfect blend - not to light, not too dark…Love her!:smiley:


She’s beautiful, Willow! I love her skin tones and her hair!

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Such a beautiful baby…great job…!!

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I have asked before but not gotten an answer. What do you use/how do you get that yellow on the nose and toes? I love it!

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Beautiful baby

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