I delivered a baby Saturday sounds funny since not a mid wife

Gotta warn you it is a rather long tale :
But I did deliver a baby to her new mommy she didn’t even know she was expecting :smile: some background on the event would help.
By the way not telling this to get rewarded in any way lol I had been to the store with one of my darlings and a woman who worked at a store no name being given saw my baby.
She was blown away when asking how old it was and I told her it was not real lol she examined it thoroughly and just couldn’t believe it .
Well I ran into this woman at another store with a different baby this time and she had her granddaughter with her and this is where I met this new mommy she was so awed and her grandmother nor I could even make her believe this baby was not real.
We both assured her it was not real but she just looked at both of us as if we were just messing with her oh so adorable .
So to shorten this a bit after I had left it dawned on me I had babies that I would not mind giving that would be fine for a young mother so I later tracked the grandmother down and arraigned to give the granddaughter a Kyra that I had made .
Met up with them and I ask the little girl if she was ready to be a new mommy wow was she confused lol it had the same effect nobody was going to tell her that was not a real baby lol you should have seen how she walked away with that baby as if it would break if she didn’t walk slow .
it was awesome :smile: I didn’t take pics and wouldn’t have posted them anyway since she was a young child and not related to me I did get a big hug.


Amazing!!! That little girl will remember that day forever. Bless you!

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I am sure I will I have never seen anyone so in awe it was a blessing in itself :blush:

You did good! Doesn’t it make you feel good to give? I know I would rather give than recieve.

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Thank you I have known that feeling before and yes it is a good feeling to have the only reason I wanted to share was the wonder of this little girl .
I have never seen anyone child or adult that was just so overwhelmed all speech just suspended and the look on her face I just wish my words could express it .

I understand. That child probably would have never had the joy of a Reborn had you not given. I wish everyone knew that joy. The world would be a better place if they would even try.


That’s so wonderful! She’ll remember that forever!

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Thanks I know I will she was an amazing child .

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What a wonderfully kind thing to do :two_hearts: You will be blessed by your generosity :slight_smile:

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The response was a blessing in my opinion :blush: but thank you .


…and how FUN was that? She’ll probably keep that baby for life.

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A bit like Christmas in the summer ? @jeanhai but only better :slight_smile: and oh yes I forgot a very interesting part at least for me .
No names were given on my part I didn’t introduce myself to the child and her grandmother only knew my first name so I was totally amazed when to my surprise the girl said what she wanted to name her Kyra.
It was my mothers name and I had been making my babies in my mothers honor since I started making them and sharing them.

That adds a whole other dimension to this experience. It was just meant to be.

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Doesn’t it feel awesome to give :revolving_hearts:
That reminded me of something a good friend of mine once said to me. I have a really hard time asking for and accepting help… I don’t want to be a burden on others. I had been going through a lot in my life a couple of years ago and I had told my friend how it’s really hard for me to ask/accept help. She then asked me, “How do you feel when you help others?” I replied, “Wonderful and blessed,” she then said, “When you turn down the help others offer, you’re taking away their blessing.” I had never thought of it that way before :slight_smile:


That’s what I thought when it happened BAM ! hit me over the head :smile:

Yes it is and I was blessed the day I was born the Lord chose the best family for me to be born into a family of little material wealth but rich in love and wise parents who tended their large family making certain they were raised knowing they were loved not only by them but the Lord above.
Hardship was common in that household and through it all we were taught how to cope with many things that life would throw at us later on.

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