Human hair toddler Suzanne

Hey everyone!
I’m making my first toddler,and she’s huge haha… I want to root her with human hair, but can’t find it on Amazon or ebay… does anyone have a reliable seller the know on ebay or Amazon? (Names, link?)
I think light brown curls would look cute on her, what do you think? She will be 28inch when finished. And her head is almost my size of head…how much will I need ?


I like to go to the beauty supply store to buy human hair. I like to feel it for the texture. If it’s soft, is it thick or thin strands , the look of it n the color.


I agree about the beauty supply store and you can look on the sale rack.


I’m no help with human hair, but her painting is very nice! So soft and pretty! :heart_eyes:


Are these large beauty supply places that specialize in human hair? I don’t see much of that at the local Sally shops. :thinking:

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Beauty Supply stores that sell wigs, I thought they were everywhere.


Oh, ok. Wig shops are rare where I’ve lived. They are completely seperate from other beauty supply stuff. Maybe I just haven’t found the right place yet!

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Thank you all! There was exactly 1 beauty shop in my area…scored nice hair for nice price
Finished Suzanne last week, despite her flaws (my first time with a heat gun because her legs were to big for the oven) I think she’s cute
5,5kg, 74cm


Complexion and hair turned out great. What a cutie!

She turned out so cute!!! I love her long hair :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:How much did you end up spending on hair? How much did you use?

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