How to find reborn dolls on eBay?

With STILL down and no idea when it will come back… I strolled over to eBay last night. And I could NOT FIND handmade reborn dolls. I typed in reborn doll, reborn baby, art doll, and so on. What always pops up is the Chinese factory dolls. When I typed in reborn doll kit, I had no problem.
Am I missing something? How do you list on eBay?


With eBay, you have to play around with search filters for a while… a combination of item location and other refinements. I think sites like eBay work best when you know a little bit about what you want (sculpt name, artist name, price, etc.). It’s also great for secondhand dolls-- if you choose “pre-owned,” you don’t see as many Chinese knock-offs. Choosing your price range and then experimenting with “sorting” (what order the items are listed in) really helps too. Hope this helps :slight_smile:


eBay seems to be just an extended version of Wish nowadays. Even looking for baby clothes is ridiculous. I’ve figured out searching by nearest item puts a lot of the China junk at the back. And when looking for reborns. I type specific kit names. I don’t know how people weed through that crap to browse. :grimacing:


And on a good note, another thread on this forum says reborns should be back up tomorrow. :grin:


Thanks! I was going to list a couple on eBay… and after going, I thought… what’s the point??? It’s like a messy store. :grimacing:


Yes! I very messy store. It’s sad what it has become. :confused:

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I bet they are! The thing is…if I couldn’t find them , a normal consumer won’t either. A dad shopping for his daughter for Christmas might not have details like sculpt name. They might only know the words… reborn doll.


I was thinking this too!! So much of everything from China
And I listed stuff on eBay too just because I don’t know when will be back up and running.


type in reborn dolls… then set search bar to highest price first, and scroll down to you get to the price range you want… bypasses all the knock off junk


On eBay, when you search, you have to filter your search. Make sure you put the location to “US ONLY” and for the price range out the minimum price to about “$200”.


I listed my Chase there…Im afraid I may have to list my other babies there as well :frowning: I put “Chase Bonnie Brown Reborn”. I list on eBay France (where I live) but it will show on any eBay…Im surprised that there are not too many Bonnie Brown babies for sale. I think people looking for the cheap dolls are going to find them and people looking for true reborns will know where to look as well.
I think when listing you should put the sculptors name in the search…I hope Reborns is back soon!! I honestly thought it would be back up today.

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Limit your search to US or North America only. Prices over 200. Then decide on gender, artist or sculpt, and size or age. Here’s my search.

Who do you buy from in Russia?

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:heart_eyes::heart_eyes: I’m going to their sites now thank you! Beautiful babies!

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