How much did it cost you?

:red_circle: Please don’t reply if you don’t feel like sharing prices I know money is a sensitive topic so please don’t feel like you have to reply! :red_circle:
With that out of the way my question. So my mother said if I bought everything we could go to ROSE!!! So I am trying to figure out how much it’s going to cost me, I just want to know how much are tickets into the event?? How much are the air dry, rooting and other classes you took? I know they probably wont be the same next year but I would like to get a rough estimate

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I think full combo passes were - $199 (2 day floor tickets, baby shower, award banquet, ice cream social, resin baby of the year, and this year 3 DVD tutorial by Jacky Kramer)

Mini combo pass - $149 (2 day floor tickets, baby shower, award banquet, ice cream social and this year first 2 DVD tutorials by Jacky Kramer)

I think the classes range from about $300 - $400 pre person

The motels seem to be about $100 - $130 a night

And what ever transportation you have to use. I am lucky enough to be able to drive there.


Just going