How many "keeper" forever babies are too many?

For all of the ladies that are collectors, how many keeper babies do you have and what makes you decide to keep a baby?

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I have two right now. I don’t know, I would say just bonding with it during the painting process, or a high quality kit, or a kit that I really like the work I’ve done on it.

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IDK. Is there such a thing?


IDK. Is there such a thing? I currently have 4 newborns and a 10 inch mini but I’m limited by funds and space. Some of them just wrap themselves around your heart, you know? (Make that 5. I kept my first one, also)


I am still new to reborning, and I have jacked up so many kits that I am going strip and redo and I have made a few purchases of babies and have not really found that one. I guess I was just curious as to how other find their keepers

Eventually you’ll probably find one you just won’t be able to part with.

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I have 14. And 3 in the works. All mine end up keepers!


LOL!!! I don’t think so!

Panic attacks when I think about selling it. :sob:


My keepers were planned that way. I have 6 that I made to look like my grandchildren, the 5 youngest ones. One I did as a newborn and a two-year-old. I think I got into reborning because I wanted one for myself. I have finished and sold 9, 3 gifted, and 4 for sale now.
My keepers:


I got into it because I wanted one for myself as well, now I just want to get good enough to make a nice one


I think if I had the space to keep al the babies I made, I would keep them all.
I actually do keep all my babies that I make (unless they’re customs) but then after a few weeks, I sell them.

Right now I have 3, Miles I accidentally cut his face, but fell in love with him. Riley my favorite BB baby - I am going to make her twin. And Gracie that I bought as a Boo Boo baby from someone on his forum. I have my Valentine baby that I screwed up on her brows and am making her into a Vampire that I will probably give away to family or someone. Oh and my Swap Baby that is on it’s way will be 4. I got into reborning to make a girl so that my berenguer boy would have a friend, but fell in love with the craft! Thought I would make it a business but no, just a relaxing and creative hobby that my family enjoys the benefits of.

Keep as many as you have room for then get plastic boxes and stack them, lol!

@pschomaker cute babies!

I don’t think so! :smile: Right now I have ten babies that I am keeping. One I am working on (I have had him for years but never painted him - he too is staying) and a few more kits that I hope to have finished in the future.

Some babies you just can’t seem to let go. And some I just want. Because I am greedy :laughing:


I’m a doll hoarder :flushed: I have been making reborns for a little over 13 years. I have kept them I’ve made them for my youngest since she was 4 1/2,so she has some too (she’s 18 now). I have made about 20 or so in that amount of time. I’m finally getting my house in order and going to start up on making them again very soon & cleaning out alot of my stash of Berenguer dolls along with it. When I started they were “the” dolls to reborn,so I stocked up on them. I skipped a few years & by this time Berenuer reborns were fazing out, & ended up buying quite a few BB kits, a couple Middletons & just bought Lucy By Tina Kewy & Jasmine by Sandy Faber from a couple ladies on Ebay. Other then a few Berenguers I have Porkchop & Bella by Pat Moulton,Jared by Adrie Stoete & several BB kits I’ve made. I learned how to make them for my youngest daughter & myself for financial reasons back then. I have toyed with the idea to make some to sell,but I always end up thinking they won’t sell :disappointed:

I have 10

As many as you have room for! :heart:️:heart:️


Not sure there can ever be too many. I currently have 10 keepers. 4 that I have not sold yet and many kits that I bought as keepers still waiting to be painted.

So far I have only kept one good one. I also have my first one which is horrible, and an Ella Mae Toddler with problems who is “in charge” of my nursery.

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@honojane good idea about the Toddler being in charge, lol.

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