How many coats can you add before putting in the oven?

I have just started reborning with heatset paints and im on my first base coat which is medium flesh. How many coats can you add exactly

When doing all over layers, only 1 layer at a time and bake. You can however do multiple things between baking its its things like, crease layers, with a mottle…or creasing, blushing, ect. But once youve gone over an area, in order to put anything on top of that paint, you need to bake. At least this is what ive always heard and i havent tried doing multiple layers at a time as i wouldnt want the colors to mix at all.


Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Also how long do oyu have to wait between each layer. Im waiting for a oven thermometer.

Your welcome! I stalked your photo post and noticed you have blue in your pallet, I’m assuming for veins or blue undertones. If you have done your first base layer, then definitely bake that before adding your blue whatevers :purple_heart: to put it simply dont layer different colors directly on top of each other without baking.

Oh okay. Yes i did that by mistake as i was thinking veins go first but im going to store it away for future use

Theres no right or wrong. I do my veins and undertones first so they end up looking under the skin. Its all personal preference

I also dont do skin tones tho as its too chalky for my taste. But if you’re doing any depth or mottling you can still do yoir veins first and they will appear under skin still

Was aklso wondering what do you put your limbs on when baking. Im very worried about my oven leaving glass marks and indentations on the vinyl if its heated

What kind of oven are you using? Never let vinyl touch metal or glass. This is how i do mine. Theres polyfill under the flour sack towels, parts shouldnt touch each other or hot surfaces directly.

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Btw thats not how i baked. This photo was taken to ask.for help in fixing her lip color lol just an idea of how to lay something inside oven

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A halogen oven

Unfortunately i cant get nuwave as im in uk

Would just using flannels be okay?

Towels are fine too, just nothing with color to it as it could stain the vinyl

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If they are white yea