How is this done?

I just had someone purchase my Ilse and change her mind 20 minutes later. She wanted to know how to cancel it. This hasn’t ever come up for me before. I told her to cancel it through PayPal. Was that right?

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You have to log in to PayPal and refund her manually, but you lose the transaction fee sadly :frowning:

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Can she cancel it? She didn’t ask for a refund, which of course I would give her. I just want to make sure the wires don’t get crossed and she gets her money returned twice.

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I’m confused, you are saying cancel it but not refunding her? I don’t understand the difference.

No she can’t refund herself or else they would be doing it once the doll is at their house. You’re the only one who can issue a refund.

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It’s not a refund. She just wants to cancel the transaction. I looked through my old PayPal records and found one transaction from 2019 that a customer cancelled. It was just deleted and crossed out. The money was taken back out of my account by PayPal. I didn’t lose any fees.

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Wasn’t she custom?

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No, she just was really tough to put together.


Oh yes, I remember that now. I am sorry that that buyer was so unstable :frowning_face:

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I talked to PayPal. They reversed the fee for me and I refunded her.