How do you do this?

My latest baby (Angel body, Jaden head) was a gift, delivered to a person in a hospital. Some staff members saw it and went crazy, one insisting that she needed one for her granddaughter, one wanted one for herself. I don’t sell anything and dont plan to, but saw an opportunity here to make a tiny bit back out of the $$$$$$$ I spent, so I was willing to make dolls for them. All was well until I named my ballpark price of between $150 and $200, depending upon what exactly they wanted.

That much??? OMG!! Nevermind.

Really? These people want beautiful babies in beautiful clothes at Wal-Mart prices. I am so done. My sympathies to those of you who deal with this nonsense on a regular basis.


It is ridiculous and you have them a very low price. I think it is harder to sell in person and family are the worst they want it for free.


yep, I hate hearing the words,why do you charge so much? and it’s just a doll.These people should try making their


Unfortunately they have NO idea what goes into these ‘dolls’!! They have never seen one before and think OMG they’re gorgeous but can’t justify the cost. No clue!! Sad really, if they made it their self they would want that amount and more. Maybe you should carry a price list to show them EXACTLY what the expense is to make one!! LOL


It is a bit of a sticker-shock. Mine are at least $400 so the shock is higher. If they’re truly interested, they’ll come back to you when the shock wears off.


Thats what I think, @anon77773884. A person with the brain of an amoeba could figure out that this was not a regular doll and that it would cost more than usual. Knowing nothing, I paid somewhere around $70 for a berenguer (not reborned) just because it had such an adorable face. Double or a little more for something so realistic, I would not bat an eyelash at.


Ugh… the exchange rate isnt in your favor right now, is it?

I had enough sense to know that reborns wouldn’t be cheap, but must confesss that even I was in shock about the prices of all the different components. Your list idea is a good one… I may make one to hand people if this ever comes up again. I will bite my tongue to refrain from suggesting a visit to Walmart’s toy isle. :no_mouth:


Really? I suggested to one woman that if she wanted to go cheap,she should buy a fake reborn from China that looked like a $10 Walmart doll.I was at a store with mine and everybody was wanting one and of course,always that one smart A** that thinks I am making a fortune on them had to jump in.


Yes, thats it!! We are out to make a fortune like most artists do!! :joy:

Newsflash: If I had to rely on this for income, we would be starving and homeless. Lol


I give my babies away to friends or family that have shown a true interest in my art. I would rather give them away then sell them for less than I think my talent and time is worth.


If it makes you feel any better I recently left my job in the mall where I sold cookies and people would say things like that all the time. My favorite was always whenever they ordered tons of cookies and once they heard the total cost at the register they changed their minds, “too much for some damn cookies” and then comes the fun of sticking all the cookies back in the right displays after they storm off :smiley:

Compared to other prices they don’t know how reasonable that is for a reborn. Try not to let it bug you. Their loss. You made that someone at the hospital very happy and that’s all that matters. Kudos to you!


The funny thing is that I lady who received my lastest baby as a gift initially refused to accept her, saying that she couldn’t take such an “expensive” gift. This woman has done all kinds of things for my family, never holding back… I seriously think Id be happier giving dolls to people like her all day long rather than selling them for the cost of supplies.


@DollyPardon that’s really great. She sounds lovely! Giving to others, especially ones that we really feel deserve or will appreciate it, has its own rewards for sure!


I have been going to craft shows for several years. I go with education in mind. I very rarely find someone who has ever heard of a reborn doll. People really do not have any idea when they see one. I take with me a blank kit so that they can see what one starts as. They seem to quickly grasp the extent of what I do when they see the two side by side. I have even taken my sponges and mohair with. Sometimes I demonstrate rooting mohair. I make sure I take a baby that I can show Mottling and veins. And I always take one that I allow peoole to hold. I make sure there is the smallest amount of skin showing as to reduce any extra rubbing, dirty hands, etc.


It’s funny, I’m surprised by the amount of people who have not heard of reborns, At my work, they have just started to learn about my hobby. When they ask what they go for, you should see their faces…lol.


Considering the number of times reborns have been in the news for being “rescued” and the stories done on them on dateline types of shows, Im surprised too. But regardless, I still think you can look at them and have a pretty good idea that they aren’t cheap.

When I was in business for myself, people would want the best of what I had, but didn’t want to pay for it. Same thing here.

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Oddly im suprised the number of people i see that DO know what reborns are…in my area anyway still most dont…
Im suprised more women cant grasp the price when American Girl dolls are over $100 and they are look alike manufactured…nothing special at all.However the older( like me) ladies i quilt with have said i need to charge more.than i do but when you do a hobby of any kind i think you realize it takes many hours of work to do one of a kind anything so my quilters or people maybe at craft fairs arent as suprised.