How Do I Insert Eyes After Rooting Lashes...Please Advise

Does anyone have any tips for inserting the eyes from inside the head after rooting lashes? Last night was the first time I ever attempted to root lashes. I’m happy with the way they came out but haven’t trimmed them yet. I did glue them but now have a new problem. Lindea has kind of a stiff hard head that isn’t real pliable. I went to put the eyes in but I’m afraid of ruining the lashes. I usually put pressure on below the eye-socket when I put eyes in but because Lindea’s head isn’t real pliable I’m afraid of putting excess pressure on her eye area for fear of pulling out the lashes. I tried a rice sock to heat the vinyl but that didn’t really help. If I try to insert the eyes from the front again I’m afraid of messing up the lashes…plus that Lindea’s eyes are squinty and I don’t think the eyes would fit through anyway. Please help!!!

@AmyR777? :slight_smile: I hope Amy can help.

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I have the same issue right now I am working on Madison Arcello her head is hard and squint eyes. Just trying to get the eyes in from inside the head without the lashes in is a pain. I am not looking forward to trying it after I have lashes rooted.

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Can the lashes be rooted with the eyes already inserted? (I know it’s too late for you who have already rooted, but I was wondering. I have not rooted lashes on an open eyed baby but plan to soon and wondered if they could be done last.


I gently press the eye toward the neck hole. Most likely the lashes will get a bit messed up. I do this prior to cutting the lashes because it’s easier to brush them back out when the eyes are in.


No, the lashes need to be rooted before eye insertion. If not, the eyes will be in the way of the rooting process.


Durn it!

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There are these awesome little tools to help you insert the eyes into the head :slight_smile: for full round you can use the tool as is or for half round you can order some eye wax and attach the eye to the tool with the wax then insert the eye in through the back of the opened socket with the tool. It’s very helpful and well worth the small price :wink:

eye setting tool link


What a handy little tool!! I’ll definitely be buying one! Is this something that you use? Is it as easy as it looks to insert eyes with? Thanks for the heads up!!

Your welcome :slight_smile: I had one years ago that I used to insert full round glass eyes. I don’t know what happened to it and since I’ve been having issues lately with breaking the back stem of the glass when trying to insert the eyes in heads I can’t reach I decided it was time to find a new one. Decided I’m tired of trying to insert eyes and trying to position them without slicing up my fingers :frowning: Then I found that I could insert the half round by attaching with the eye wax. Never thought to use it in that way too and it’s great! Makes it so much easier :wink:

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Rooting lashes after eyes is next to impossible. I just insert them as usual. Then dampen lashes and kinda fix them back into shape…does that sound weird???


That’s exactly what I do! :wink: