Homemade reborn tools

Just wondering how many of you have made your own homemade tool for reborning that you love. For example I have a piece of wooden dowel that is 8 inches long and about 2 inches wide. I use this to put inside the doll head and limbs when reborning a baby . I use my thumb at the ring of the neck to susport the head when holding the dowel and it keeps me from smearing the parts with my fingers. Hey it works and works well. Anyone else have something they do?


Sounds like good ideas!!! I love tips that make things easier and especially the tips where it doesn’t always have to cost alot of money!

I make my drying racks out of pvc pipes. They are easy to take apart and store when not being used.


My husband made mine out of wood, but I love the PVC idea! I believe we have some of that in the garage! Looks like my husband has another project.

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My dad made me different sized drying racks out of wood when I first started and I LOVE them

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Hubby made a couple drying wracks for me- great for my airdry paints.

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omg !! YOu’re so smartttt

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Thank you, but I can’t take credit for the idea with the PVC pipes. A friend on another forum many years ago posted hers so that’s where I got the idea. I did come up with an idea when I made my own rooting pillow and added pockets to the side to hold the combs, brushes, etc.


nice!!! Can you share the pillow pics?

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Here is where I have posted the pic of the pillow previously.

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I feel weird about using dark nylon hose for weight bags. Had a bunch of the cheap organza bags and now they are going into reborns.

Rainbow, can I see your rooting pillow please? I made one out of a folder towel… It runs the paint and makes its shiney:-(

Nikki, Here is the post that shows my rooting pillow. To keep the face from getting shiny I turn the pillow as much as possible in stead of the head and if I have need to turn the head I pick it up and turn it so it does not rub against the pillow.


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Thank you Rainbow! I just love your pillow!:heart:️


I use cut-down Pringles cans ( 3 - 4 inches high) to pour my tiny glass beads into the limbs instead of fumbling with a funnel. By squeezing the opening I can make it fit large or small holes. Down side: when the can gets too bent up, I have to eat more chips,


Great idea! I use a funnel!

I use a powdered drink shaker cup for the glass beads. I took out the ball that helps mix the liquid. It has a small round hole to pour out of and has a lid. I used to use the plastic solo cups but I like the shaker cup much better. I got one for free when I bought some powdered greens and it’s never had a food product in it.

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