High or Low

Well, I need help…Which position looks better for Kameko; brow…The higher one or the lower one…I need to get this finished and it is annoying me cause I sort of like both …maybe I leave her with a quizzical look with one up and the other down…lol

Thanks for your help… :smile:


I like it lower.


I like both… Higher is more playful, left is more serious. Hmmmmm, I’m not a good one to ask!

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Okokokok… I like the right side.

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I prefer the higher one. Has more of an open trusting look. :neutral_face:

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I say higher if your painting hair or leaving it bald. Lower if your rooting it. I do like either way.


I like the eyes in the lower picture…

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Either way looks good but I think lower looks better. :smile:

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I’d say lower.

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Higher looks happier?

I’m no help - I like them both!

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I like the higher side because it gives the impression that her eye is more open. The lower side makes her eye appear more closed and slanted to me. She’s gorgeous by the way xx

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I like the lower :wink:

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I like the lowers brows.

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I like the brows in the top picture, but honestly, either way works for me! :thumbsup:


Thanks so much ladies…we are running almost neck and neck here…lol If I count those who say either and add them to both groups, it is almost an even number of lows and highs…heehee…I love all of you…I have a huge smile on my face at the moment…I think I will give it a bit longer and see if one outs the other…lol or I may remove them both and put new brows right in the middle between the high and low line… :smile:


In the end, they both look fine so I’d go with where they are now…whichever placement that is.

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The higher ones make it look more lively

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