Hi! I am new here :)

Hello All! I am new to this forum and reborning. My name is Rue and I’m in the usa. I am currently in the market for my first reborn! I am beyond excited! I am here to see about meeting artists and learning as much as I can before making my first ever purchase! I am looking for a little girl, full silicone body, breathing mechanism…want it to look realistic as possible. It is in memory of my angel baby. I am just stopping in to say hi. As a new time reborn mum, does anyone have any suggestions or advice for me? I would love to meet yall and your babies, Thank you! :slight_smile:


Welcome! :wave: Here is my advice: Make sure to read the description over and over to make sure you’re not missing anything. Don’t get caught up in the pictures because you might miss something. Goodluck! :slight_smile:


I’m not sure exactly what you want. Reborns are made from vinyl, generally with a cloth body. There are full torso reborns as well- made of vinyl.

A full body silicone wouldn’t be able to have a breathing mechanism, because it is one solid piece. You might be able to do a breathing mechanism if you have a silicone with a cloth body. Silicones are way more expensive than vinyl reborns.


Welcome, Rue! I am Maddie

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The breathing mechanisms need a special cloth body with a pocket in it for the mechanism. You have to be able to get to it to change the batteries.

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Full body silicone dolls don’t tend to come with breathing mechanisms. Those are put in a cloth body.
Be prepared to spend a lot of money, a good full silicone can cost several thousand dollars. If a deal is too good to be true, it usually is.

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Thanks everyone for the reply! Yeah, after reading a bit more I realized vynal and silicone are different. Sorry, I’m still learning! I also plan on actually going and looking at a reborn from an artist before my purchase, so I know what I’m looking for. I’ve seen the “too good to be true” dolls. I wouldn’t mind spending lots for a doll made from a loving artist :slight_smile:

Nothing to be sorry for. It’s better to get as much info as you can before spending hundreds, or thousands, of dollars.

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Are any of you here artists who paint the dolls?

Most of us here paint dolls. Some people have been painting for years and years, while others (like me) are relatively new to the art. Some are also collectors. You’ll find lots of amazingly talented women (and men occasionally) on this forum. If you’re not careful, you’ll soon be caught up in the addiction of “baby making” yourself! :grin:

If u look in the for sale category you can see current dolls that the artists are selling😊 People also post there finished dolls in the showcase category so you can see lots of dolls there. If you use the spyglass and type in baby uno, you can see a matching game we are playing and there are tons of dolls on there to look at as well. Maybe you will see an artists work that you like on there.

A lot of us have dolls on reborns.com Mine are in Snugglebuns Nursery if you’d like to see my work.

Hello Rue, welcome to the forum!! Before you buy either a “reborn baby” or a “silicone baby” do lots of research on the artist you chose to purchase from. There are all ranges of artists, some do fabulous work while others are mediocre at best. Do not buy a “baby” based on price alone. If you want “cheap” then that’s what you’re going to get------something you won’t be happy with later. Likewise an expensive doll doesn’t always mean you’re going to get a “beautifully done” doll either. Ask around before you buy, some very new artists list dolls that are Way Over Priced in my opinion but they think there is a ton of money to be made in this industry------not happening!! Anyway, good luck, ask questions, learn to use the spyglass in the upper right hand corner, type in your question and you will get lots and lots of answers, probably more than you want!! LOL

Watch out for Scams, it’s all too common in the doll world and getting worse all the time-----sad!!

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Actually there is a full silicone baby with a breathing mechanism. It is made by Mandy Boxwal. You can find her on FB. Be prepared to pay over $7000 though…lol.

Wow everyone I’m overwhelmed by the responses! Thank you so much! I have currently been watching dolls be painted and made all day today. I decided I wanted to learn more about vinyls vs silicones, and what better way to learn than to watch someone paint a beautiful kit for 2 hours straight! So much information. If anyone would like, feel free to give me links to your works. I’m dying to see what everyone has created!:slight_smile:

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Feel free to check out my website for my work! www.rebornreflections.com

I have two babies up for sale on there if you are interested

I wonder how you change the breathing mechanism batteries on a full silicone doll.

I’m relatively new myself, I’ve only been on this forum and reborning for about 8 months. I’m working on baby #18 (I think) and I’ve listed 5 for sale. Here’s a link to my reborns page with the babies I’ve sold and the one I’ve still got listed. I have another (Realborn Charles) ready to list, if I ever be around to his photo shoot! http://littlelynziloo.reborns.com

Hi, welcome! You are going to have so much fun :slight_smile: I’m a collector (for many years) and also a new artist to painting vinyl reborns. I do collect silicones as well as vinyl reborns… I agree with what others have said that I love silicones for the tactile feel – they are the most realistic to me, especially the full body ones, but they cost thousands of dollars vs. reborns which range from a couple hundred and on up. Definitely do your research, maybe check out YouTube as well (my channel is Little Foot Nursery and there are a lot of others as well) so you can see many babies on video and get a feel for what you might like.

Hello! I actually had been watching videos on your channel allll day today! Stumbled upon it. I think I like silicones, because you have to be gentle like a real baby. However, I am worried about the paint. I heard they fade and the paint falls off