Hi Guys, Please help me refresh my mind!

Hi Everyone… OMG I can’t believe I’m saying this but after a 2 year (almost) break I am jumping back in… I have been in mommy mode and then working on repairing my hip after the major surgery I had… Anyhow I mentioned that already, what i wanted was to know a few things after taking such a hiatus… Are my paints still ok? Do i need to buy new (genesis) paints? Are there new things out like what’s the best Paint thinner is it still Mona Lisa? Also what’s the best convection oven to get? I used my house oven before when I painted… Ahh so many questions I know but I’m a lost newbie all over again oh also Any new helpful tutorials to make AA babies? Links would be helpful

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Your paints are still good! I have some jars from 5 years ago that are still good to use and not even close to empty. Paint thinner is a matter of preference. Mona Lisa is a great brand, I used to use it exclusively. Now I use museum brand from macphersons because it’s more convenient for me. For an oven, I’d get a nuwave or something very similar, make sure you have an extender ring so you don’t melt any heads. Not sure on tutorials but someone must know where you can find one. Welcome back!!

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I use the nu wave oven . Love it.


Ok thanks Sooo much… Its exciting I’m having Fomo seeing all the beautiful babies here :slight_smile: thanks again

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Ok maybe that’s better than a convection? Imma look one up then

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I was like you and took several years off to take care of kids. Returned a couple years ago and boy have things changed! I can’t believe how realistic some of these reborners are. My genesis paints are still great and I love my Nu Wave oven as well! I will never go back to conventional oven again. I was tempted to try the new air dry paints but not ready for the investment. Best of luck on your first reborn after your hiatus!

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Thank you so much. Ok that helps a lot being you tried convection I will get a nuwave instead… It is so nerve wrecking I was just learning and then I found out I was pregnant then life happened and now I’m 2 years out of this hobby lol

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Once a artist always a artist! U will do great… it’s in our blood lol

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Glad you’re back! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Amazon has great prices on Nuwave. :blush:

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I did the same thing! It took me like 2 dolls to get back into my skill level I had before but after I was great! Amazon has some amazing nuwave ovens! Also I’m still using my paints from 7 years ago!


Also a recommendation here for getting a NuWave oven. You won’t be sorry!
If you are doing AA babies, I’d also recommend trying Gamsol instead of Mona Lisa. It gives a smoother finish and easier blending and makes using darker skin tones more manageable for lots of us. You can find it at Michaels and other art supply stores in the same area as Mona Lisa, and it is used the same. It just lets you blend the darker colors better.


I too use a NuWave oven and Love it!! Just make sure you have the EXTENDER RING or your vinyl will melt, oh and an oven thermometer!!

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