Here's $10 FREE to Spend at ThredUp

All new customers get $10 FREE & free shipping by clicking the link below :grinning: Happy reborn shopping :heartpulse:


You can get some great deals and nice stuff at ThredUp but I would not suggest sending your clothes in. I first ordered from there about a year ago and started ordering clean out bags and sending my clothes in. I was pleased until the last two bags I sent. I got a total of $16 credit for two huge bags of very nice name brand clothes some even new with tags. I was very disappointed to say the least.

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I’ve heard they’re not the best to sale to. That’s a bummer! I guess once it’s shipped you’re pretty much stuck with what they offer you :confused:

I’m pretty frustrated in general with these kinds of places. I took like 3 boxes of my daughter’s clothes (all brand name, nice boutique ect) to a children’s consignment shop and got offered $40, I think. Maybe a little less. I paid more that that for one outfit. :confused:

Never again.

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Oh I know! I got offered $15 for my daughter’s virtually brand new bassinet that played music, had vibration, a light, and storage bin underneath. However, they are great if you’re on the buying end :wink:

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Tell me about it, @Summer! I took the Cadillac of pack n plays in, a nice swing, a bouncer, a large play yard, plus clothes. I think they gave me $120, less than the price of the play yard alone, for everything. Fortunately for them it was too much stuff to haul, and too emotionally taxing (had a hard time letting go because she is my last baby), so they got to keep everything.

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I should be receiving my order Friday. Thank you for the link and $10 credit :laughing::laughing:

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Yay :grinning: that’s exciting!! You’re welcome :blush: my pleasure!!

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