Here we go again!

oh my g…lol…grandborn

Looks like Madision arrecello!

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@Nikkiroc :joy: :joy:

I think I’m going to try to do something different than I usually do and give her some super tiny lips. :laughing: Lips always give me the hardest time, so maybe if I make them tiny it’ll be easier! My neighbor’s baby has the cutest little mouth and I’m loosely basing my sculpt off her. You just can’t see it yet haha!


Awwwwwe! Great idea! I’m excited!!! :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

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What an adorable expression! Your clay baby is coming along well @izzy :slight_smile:

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Thanks guys! Here’s what I have now…:laughing: I took out his eyes cause they weren’t in quite right.


Woukd you put up a couple of your finished sculpts? i saw one you started a mentally challenged baby but somehow missed the final product!! Idvlove to see a few…
BTW. i love the mouth on this new sculpt

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Wow Izzy! Incredible!!! Looking amazing!!!:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Love the lips :kissing_heart:!

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