Here goes my second baby, please let me know with all honesty if i need to fix anything


I think she is really good. One suggestion I would make for your next baby is try not to go so high with the brows.


Ty yes i will, it seem like i had such a hard time even placing them. This is lulu and she has two long indentations above her eyebrow. So she dosent have the upper bone. But definetely i will make sure i do them lower. Ty so much apreciate it.


Do you think that she would look bad if i reroot them

I would not re root most of us draw them with prisma or paint them on it is a lot easier to fix if they are not even and such. Leave her as is and go onto the next one :slightly_smiling_face:


You did really good, but I agree about the brows. They should be placed a bit above and below the brow ridge with the middle of the brow in the center of the ridge. I also agree that you should not try to reroot her. Brow placement is difficult, but you will get it better the next time. Maybe do the next one with Prisma pencil so that you can erase them and redo them if you need to.


Ummm kind of late omg lol i re rooted them, hopefully they are a little better.


I will buy a prism brow pencil because i did have such a hard time with this second one.

That is better!

Ty im trying. I just love reborning and i love my babies. This is a pic of my first one. Her eye brows were not so dificult. .


With your first baby the eyebrows are a little low and your second was too high but the third time, redo on lulu turned out nicely.

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Lol i hope i get it right i start my next baby in 2 days. I hope i can figure it out. Definetely buying the prisma pencil. Ty guys for the good critique. Thats how i learn.


Looks great overall but I agree about the browser. Alos, in the update pic, I can see the eyes better and the bottom lashes are a bit thick.


She’s a cutie


Oh okay. Um i can try thin the eyelashes out, they are glued is a whole piece, maybe removing the bottom?

Okay will get one.

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Oh okay see i dint know that. Will try

The eyebrows are also too long. They should not be longer than the eye. Very nice painting job. The hands and face look great.

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Okay i will trim them down, I left them overnight with glue inside the head to dry. And ty for your help. Ty for the opinion on the paint. Im learning with yah help. Its a new expirience with each doll

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Since it’s all one piece, I’m not sure what you can do…maybe trim some of the hairs shorter? Removing them is an option and so is just leaving them in place and moving on to the next baby (and lesson).

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