Can anyone tell me how long Ember’s feet are? Size shoes he wears?
Thanks a bunch!
Can anyone tell me how long Ember’s feet are? Size shoes he wears?
Thanks a bunch!
hmmmmm - I have never used shoes on Ember - - - - only booties. But someone just asked me what size shoe for Avery and I tried a Newborn (too big). Soooooooooooooooo, I guess my answer is " I’m not sure".
Thanks Judy; I wish my customer had asked me to measure his feet BEFORE I sent him off yesterday.
Avery’s foot was 3" so Ember’s is probably close to that size - maybe a tad smaller.
I was wondering if his foot was about 3" or so…heck, he’ll be there soon and she can measure it herself.
That baby’s new Mommy needs to take him shopping for shoes anyway… And she needs to take your information with her too so that she can refer anyone that asks to you for a baby… I think that probably beats the heck out of eBay…
Karen I think Ember is a size 0. And I agree with Pia. We all should be sending our babies off with our business cards in the box. Then the new ‘moms’ can pass our cards out to their friends and family. I sent 5 cards with Shyann last week and she is keeping one in her wallet for keeps and has already given 3 away. (she called last weekend and we talked for 30 minutes) Our babies are GREAT advertisement.
YES, on those business cards! I always make sure and send a couple with each baby. It’s very rare for me to break down and take a custom order, but once in a while I’ll do it, just to keep things interesting.
Thanks for your help on Ember’s feet…I’m going to post a few pics of “him” in a few minutes.