Help! Tried to strip head

Hi there everyone! I tried to strip a Realborn newborn Emmy head. I was trying to paint the doll light biracial (I’m following Ashley Thacker’s paint with me on Facebook.) and I accidentally got too much color with one of the beginning layers so I tried to strip the head. The limbs are fine. I used rebornfx/waterborne air dry to paint with and I used a cheap nail polish remover with 100% acetone to strip. It got quite a bit off but there’s dried paint still stuck on the vinyl. I’m not sure what else to use. I used to use and love winsor and newton but I heard they changed their formula :disappointed:
Here’s what the head looks like now:

Any suggestions? I hope I didn’t ruin her head.

Sometimes 99% alcohol will do the trick.

Goof Off is what we used back in the day on Berenguers and it works just have to go outside as it stinks.


I agree, alcool will clean it up.

Thanks ladies! I was wondering if anyone has used this pink soap stuff?:

It’s supposed to be a brush cleaner and it says it can clean all different types of artist paints including acrylic paint.

I went to Amazon and read some reviews. I am reading that it would not remove dried paint from brushes so I doubt it would strip a kit. They do say it is great to clean brushes out when finished painting.

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Is this the rubbing alcohol to use? I read 99% is the strongest but it’s not safe for human skin. I would be wearing gloves. Would I need to use this product outside?

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Yes, that works. I use it all the time on silicone and such and I do not wear gloves. I think the concerns would be if treating a wound.

edited to say
I have been buying this brand


I edited to add the brand I have been getting but I also wanted to come back to say if using a lot of it to strip you probably should wear gloves to keep from drying your hands out so.


The pink stuff does not remove any paint. The alcohol should work. For those clumps I’d try Dawn soap with baking soda to scrub them off.


Thanks Angie! Do you have to use it outside when stripping?

Thanks, I will also try the Dawn soap with baking soda.

That should make the clumps come off a lil easier, but you’ll still need alcohol for the residue.


Alcohol? No it should be fine. The 99% evaporates fast. Use cotton rounds that don’t shred apart easily.

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I got the 99% at an electronics supply store, but Amazon is pretty fast :slight_smile:

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