Help to get Restarted

A year and a half ago, I lost my home to a fire and lost all of my reborning supplies (which I had accumulated over several years.) My daughter also lost “Quinton” in the fire and wants a new baby. I am quite overwhelmed at the cost of replacing everything at once. I believe I first started with a seacrist kit and had added so many things. Do you have suggestions for me to start rebuilding my supply kit so I can make her a doll? I am most overwhelmed with the color choices…


I’m so sorry you lost so much. I can’t even imagine having to start over from scratch. Quinton’s on sale right now for $14.98. Do you use Genesis or air dry paints? Maybe you could get a starter set of paints to get re-established. Baby fx are supposed to be good air dry paints. MG Dolls has them for $49.95. BB has a Genesis pre-mixed set of 8 colors for $27.95.


In For sale/wanted lyssa1974 is selling a lot of Genesis paints.


I am out of town, but I know I have Extra things! I will unpack when I get home and send you some supplies!!! Pm me your address😃

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OH My! You ware amazing! Thank you so much. I was just thinking this might be more than I can do.

I thought about Quinton, but it might be too much. I will let my daughter go “shopping.” She informed me this time that she wants a girl. (of course, most babies “swing”) I do like the genesis paints because that is what I used before.

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I don’t know if I have personal messaging privileges here since I am new. I may need some direction ;o) I would gladly pay you for your items. I so appreciate your offer.

I also can send you some things to get you started again. I just need your address. It must have been so hard losing everything in the fire.

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You are all so generous. I am humbled. I guess i can use my husband’s office since I can’t figure out how to private message - his address is Darrell Morris at Brenau University, One Centennial Cr. Gainesville GA 30501. Perry will be Thrilled! I posted Quinton’s picture on here to honor her and her favorite baby. He went everywhere and spooked quite a few people. Quinton was also used as a prop in a number of plays since my husband and I both work in the theatre. He was a hard working, generous baby.


Oh, BTW, my profile photo is another doll I made…Quinton is somewhere in cyberspace…

So glad you’re getting back into reborning!

Everyone can Private Message (PM). Click on the member’s name, then click on the" Message" button.

I have an extra rooting tool that I can send you but you would have to get your own needles and cut them if you buy the uncut needles.


I don’t get a PM button. Maybe I haven’t been on the forum long enough?

All members can PM each other. Just click on the member’s name and you’ll see the Message button.

Pm me your address! I’ll send u stuff to help;-)

Thank you. It is quite a daunting task - searching through, rebuilding, re-prioritizing. I can’t imagine the horror of being home when it happened. We were at a friend’s graduation and got a call from the neighbors. The firemen made it in time to get my dogs out. Thank Goodness! My craft room wasn’t burnt, but there was a lot of smoke damage and the water from the firemen caused the ceiling above to crash down into the room. It was a nasty mess. I was too overwhelmed to search through and salvage things. Now, I could kick myself. I’m sure that the stainless steel items would have been fine - bobbins, sewing tools, scissors, rooting needles (I was also very into wool felting) - but I was afraid anything plastic would have held that smell…and the paints would be damaged by the heat. I was mostly finished with my first toddler doll. Just needed to root the hair and I let him go. I know he would have always smelled like fire…

Anyway, thank you for your sweet message. I agree with the amazing ability we have to accumulate. I just went through my daughters room and packed up all of her toys and put them in the basement. They are in time out until she can show respect and keep her room tidy. She lost everything, and yet still has so much.

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Nikki. Thank you so much. For whatever reason, I can’t find a button to PM. Hmmmm…

Push my face! It will let u pm me!

Lololololo seriously!

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Thank you to whomever sent the package (Teresa?). I am out of town and my husband picked up the package right before he left without checking the return address. He just told me it had arrived. I can’t wait to get home and get started. Perry will be THRILLED!!! You are wonderful!

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