@taylorsgirl, how many washes did you do and what colors…i’ve done 5 already and still not happy…i’ve done a mint green, and 4 viridian blue…what am I doing wrong?
Have you watched any tutorials or anything? this is the kind of thing that is trial and error. I don’t keep track of what I do, I just paint and it comes out well in the end. Keep in mind, I’ve been a reborn artist for about 15 years.
You have to look at some tutorials if you don’t trust yourself to make the right choices for the doll. How long have you been doing reborns? How many have you done previously? I’m asking because most of us have to go through “growing pains.” in learning how to do it, and what NOT to do.
Can I suggest perhaps you get a BB seconds kit and practice with it?
Also, share some pictures of your Chenoa here and maybe I can advise.
FYI…these are a few of my babies… But they did not start out looking nice, trust me, I threw my fair share of horrible babies in the trash. LOL!!
Give yourself time, you will get there.
and share some photos of your Chenoa, so I can see her, I might be able to help if I know where you are with her.
I’ve been Reborning for over a year now. I’ve watched many tutorials and am a fan of Kim @ customdollbaby .com. I’ve made about 12 reborns and sold 6 including a set of twins. It’s not the painting that has me bothered its the neutralizing the vinyl that seems like it’s taking forever. Thanks for your advice and I will try to post some pictures tomorrow.
@taylorsgirl, your babies are beautiful!
not all vinyl needs to be neutralized. I only do that on vinyl that is orange or darker than I’d like. You can just start on her skin tones.