Help please! @EmilyBB

The Easter swap is just about over but I have 60+ swap related messages in my inbox and I’m not sure how to delete them lol. @EmilyBB @bountifulbaby @bbsupport


I’d like to know how to do this individually, too.


I don’t think they can be deleted…not by us, anyway.


Hoping Emily can do it for me cause my inbox is about to bust lol…and I need to save space for the ROSE swap. :grin:


Yes!!! I would love to delete… I can’t find anything in there… It’s like my closet! :scream:


You always make me laugh Nikki…even on a bad day like today!!! :heart_eyes:


Following. I have a ton in my mailbox from the Celeste challenge.


Why is today bad @JackieJo

I had lab work done on Thursday and on Friday my doctors office called and said they needed to see me about the results. They wouldn’t tell me what was off in my labs and couldn’t get me in for an app’t that day. I have an app’t tomorrow afternoon. Some of the testing they did was for tumor markers…cancer. They do it routinely once a year because I have a complex cyst on my right ovary. I had other labs done that day too so it could be something else by why wouldn’t they tell me the results over the phone if it was something like elevated cholesterol or glucose or what ever. My husband died of cancer 4 years ago and seeing all he went through to try to save his life was horrible. He passed at home and I was at his side. Seeing a loved one go through cancer treatments and then die anyway at the age of 58 is something you never get over. I’m petrified of cancer and scared of what they are going to tell me tomorrow. On top of that we’re suppose to get a snow storm tonight into tomorrow. If my doctor closes the office or if I can’t make to to their office I’ll have to wait even longer for the results. That will definitely put me over the edge! This weekend has been hell for me. Nikki please say a prayer for me if you would.


I had lab work done on Thursday and on Friday my doctors office called and said they needed to see me about the results. They wouldn’t tell me what was off in my labs and couldn’t get me in for an app’t that day. I have an app’t tomorrow afternoon. Some of the testing they did was for tumor markers…cancer. They do it routinely once a year because I have a complex cyst on my right ovary. I had other labs done that day too so it could be something else by why wouldn’t they tell me the results over the phone if it was something like elevated cholesterol or glucose or what ever. My husband died of cancer 4 years ago and seeing all he went through to try to save his life was horrible. He passed at home and I was at his side. Seeing a loved one go through cancer treatments and then die anyway at the age of 58 is something you never get over. I’m petrified of cancer and scared of what they are going to tell me tomorrow. On top of that we’re suppose to get a snow storm tonight into tomorrow. If my doctor closes the office or if I can’t make to to their office I’ll have to wait even longer for the results. That will definitely put me over the edge! This weekend has been hell for me. Nikki please say a prayer for me if you would.


@JackieJo warm hugs to you.


Thank you so much

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@JackieJo I’m already praying for you!! Think positive thoughts and watch a funny movie today! Positivity brings all good things!!! I will send you love and prayers all day !!:+1:t2::heart:️:heart:️ please update us as soon as possible!


I’m praying for you too, Jacky. Do know, though, that if any kind of test is abnormal, for any reason, they won’t tell you over the phone. Waiting is the hardest part of the unknown. Why haven’t they removed your ovary?


Thank you so much Debbie. If you don’t mind me asking…how long ago were you diagnosed? Are you still undergoing treatment or are you NED now? God Bless you for taking such good care of your best friend during her cancer journey. That must have brought her so much peace and comfort during all she went through. Thank you for the prayers and for sharing your’s and your friends cancer journey with me. So sad that your friend didn’t survive this demon that we know as cancer… :heart:

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Awww Nikki…thank you so much for the prayers. I’m trying so hard to keep my thoughts positive but its hard to do when I don’t know what the doctor is going to tell me tomorrow. Plus now having to worry about even making to my app’t because of the snowstorm. I’ll update first chance I get tomorrow. My app’t isn’t until the afternoon so I probably won’t be able to update until around 5 pm. :heartpulse:


Ok… I’ll be watching and praying💋

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Thank you so much for your prayers. I know that they won’t give abnormal results over the phone if the concern is for an elevated result due to something very seriously wrong. The doctors office that I used to do the clinical patient care in would give results of high cholesterol or elevated glucose levels but wouldn’t give results if it was something more seriously such as kidney or liver failure or cancer. When diagnosed with the complex cyst he had me going for internal scans every 3 months then every 6 months and then every year or two. The last scan I had done was 2 years ago and the cysts had shrunk. On my yearly GYN exam last year he couldn’t even feel it. Because… from the time it was diagnosed to now…it never grew and actually shrunk he didn’t think taking the ovary out was necessary. I should also say that the tumor marker lab tests that I had done were a CA-19, a CA 125 and a CEA which also would show if there was any colo rectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer or esophageal cancer being detected. The tests don’t only cover the ovaries but includes a bunch of different tests of some major organs. I know its confusing. My dad had died of bowel cancer so there is a family history of it. You are so right…waiting is the hardest part because you just don’t know whats wrong. :heart:

You are a real angel living here on earth. God Bless you for taking wonderful care of your friend! :heart:

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Think positive!!