Help me choose

I have to choose between two discontinued/sold out kits

First is Ella by Tasha Edenholm

Which is a kit that was long discontinued before I even discovered reborning

Second is Sally by Bonnie Brown

Which I am leaning towards but she’s over double Ella’s price, so I definitely can’t get both

Help me choose, please. This is difficult.


I’d pick Sally only because I really would have liked to have her.

Will you be keeping it or selling? If you’re keeping, pick the one you would choose if they cost the same.

If they cost the same amount, I would choose both :joy:

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Sally Is a gorgeous baby.

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Sally. :slight_smile: Even though she cost more. But the other one is very unique.

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That’s the only reason I was considering getting her. I love unique babies. Sally isn’t that expensive though. Her starting bid on eBay is $74


I had a reborn Ella once and while she was cute that one open eye always annoyed me and her mouth isn’t very realistic.

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I love Bonnie Brown kits.

I think most people do. In my search, I also found a pixie by bonnie brown if anyone was interested


Sally, definitely. I’ve seen the other one made up and she looks weird to me, I don’t care for the eye thing. I think if I was doing that kit I would have to open that one eye!!


Sally! Definitely! Did you get her? :grinning:

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She’s on eBay on auction and I’ve bid and messaged the seller but she hasn’t gotten back to me yet

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Good luck!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

I got her! She messaged me back and told me to make an offer


Sally looks so awesome

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Both :wink:
Ella is my favorite.
Wish I had started reborning earlier. I keep seen all this beautiful sold out kits that I want. I found the new once are all very similar.

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I feel that. Even just in the discontinued bountifulbaby kits there’s so many that I would have loved to have reborned. I think we need some new, purely unique kits. Maybe it’s because we see them often that we think they all look the same


I like Ella but I like different looking kits :slight_smile: