Help me choose which baby

Ladies I can not decide which baby too chose. It will be my first baby and I can not decide between Violet, Morgan or Shyann. Please help me pick one.

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Out of those I also agree with Shyann.


Shyann would be a great first kit! You haven’t decided yet, lol?

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I’d choose Morgan. I think Shyann is dolly looking (JMO) and I really dislike her arms.

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@AnnieSokay Lol nope I haven’t decided yet. I think I am going to go with Morgan though



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@jeanhai I thought that same thing about shyann but I do think she has a cute face.


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Shyann has a beautiful little face… The limbs aren’t the best, but the lack of detail might be best for a beginner…


I am not making whatever baby I chose someone else is making it I just am having trouble deciding which one I want


Shyann (biracial) was my first kit. I have 1 undone Caucasian Shyann. I ordered a different set of limbs for her. For Whenever i decide to do her.

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I love Morgans little lips and she makes a beautiful baby. Shyanne has such a sweet little face too. Tough decision

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@CindyLouWho I love Morgans lips but I do like shyann as well. It has been tough. I will eventually have them both I’m just not sure which one I want to get first.

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Do you have Pinterest? If so search Reborn Shyann Peterson or Reborn Morgan Peterson. You’ll find lots of examples😊 Or go to and search for those sculpts.


Thank you I didn’t think of that

You can also find photos of any reborn doll on Google.

@CindyLouWho That is how I found Morgan.

Shyann :heartpulse:

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