Help me choose one

I’m getting ready to list Huxley and I need one more outfit. I can’t decide between these two. They both look cute on her.

Not sure I like the barefoot sandals either. They’re pretty but they don’t really match the outfit.


I love them both - but the first one really looks adorable and would be my preference :slight_smile:


The second one looks more modern. I think it’s also more eye catching and bright.

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The second one.

I feel the second one is the best choice!

The second one.

Guess I am odd, I love the yellow first one.


Both are adorable, but I feel like the second one makes her coloring pop more.


I thought I loved the yellow one until I scrolled down and saw the flowered one. The flowered one is definitely my vote.

Oh my I love both, But I favor the second one. She’s adorable Jean!

First unless you already have a vintage option

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The flowers look really pretty on her!

Both outfits are cute but I like the outfit with the flowers on it.


She looks so precious in both outfits. I love the vintage style of the 1st one, but I also love the color and flower print of the 2nd one. I would go with the 2nd one because the colors make her pop.

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Just do BOTH and raise the price to cover the additional outfit LOL


I like the first one I really y focus on her beauty, I think the bow on the second detracts from her face, but either would do splendidly!

Pink set

I like the yellow outfit. The color looks great on her and it’s not so busy that it takes the attention away from all the work you put into making her. She looks adorable in both though.

Leave her barefoot and the second outfit makes her pop.

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