Help cheer for Presley eBay style!

I never list on eBay… But I thought I would try it again:-( will you please cheer her on?


Awe! Thank you @anon77773884!

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I am watching!


Watching also…BOL on her sale.!!

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You ladies are the greatest! :heart:

Watching! Good luck!

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Watching. :slight_smile:

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Added her to my watch Nikki!!!

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I always thought you did a great job on this baby. I’m surprised it hasn’t sold yet. Watching.

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Thank you so much ladies! I have only been listing my dolls on , and that site has so many sellers and dolls on it now that even though I am a gold member… My dolls barely hit the front page. I know it doesn’t help that I have a bunch listed… So I thought I would try to mark all of them as reserved except one at a time. Which… Lol… Isn’t helping me either! So, I decided finally that despite being a computer dummy… I need to get to listing them other places as well. Ahhhh, I remember the good ol days when putting them on reborns was good enough! Lol so, I’m working on finishing my website… Finally( it’s been in process since January) and I reopened my etsy store( never used it before) and thought I would give eBay another try. Something has got to give besides me just giving my babies away! I guess I need to figure out how to market on Facebook :scream: and PINTREST too. :grin::zipper_mouth_face::grinning:


Go Nikki Go!


I’m trying! I love making these babies… But lately it’s all computer and photos! I miss actually WORKING ON A DOLL! But… It’s the end goal! Haha well, that and actually selling some! Haha


I’m watching, too!! :relaxed:

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Thank you! I did! I actually dig rooting! :heart:


she so cute

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She’s adorable!! I’m happy to cheer her on!!! :revolving_hearts:

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I hit watch such a beautiful lil baby.Good work

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OMGee She is so pretty!

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@Denise1988 thank you! THANK ALL OF YOU!!! :grinning::grinning:

Watching & cheering for your sweetie :wink:

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