Help a customer ID this kit, please


They have a realborn Christopher coming out… did she buy a prototype?

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Why is she mad? Looks like it could be him but it would have to have been a prototype

Is it this kit? I think it might be…
Who did she buy from. Had to be a prototype… it is not released yet


I have a vague recollection of this photo and the prototype artist saying since he won’t be coming out for a while Bountiful Baby gave her permission to sell him. It was on Facebook.

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Looks like the same hands and lips. I knew you would save the day, Jenni!

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That “customer” posted him for sale yesterday???
I am so confused

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This is really confusing…sounds shady. She looks like a child :thinking:

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Weird to sell a one of a kind prototype they just bought for $1150 for such a huge price cut :flushed:


Does anyone know who the artist of the doll is?

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That whole thing doesn’t make any sense.

Looks like a scam to me. I would check to see if the artist has sold the baby. The scammer may have just stolen the picture. How could she have it up for sale so fast? She couldn’t have received it so fast.

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She deleted her post but explained a little more that the doll she got was not as pictured. She posted a picture of it that she took right before she deleted her post. It was not prototype quality. I see why she was mad. It is not even worth the $750- $800 she is asking :frowning: The pictures she posted in her re-sale post are the artist’s photos)
I think she just didnt explain it well…
She bought it on FB from the artist for $1150… when it came she was not happy with it but didnt want to “hurt the artist’s feelings”. She has the paperwork but I think wanted to verify what kit it was and called BB and asked if they have a Christopher kit… they said no. (maybe she didnt say realborn or explain the situation… I dont know) So that confused her and she made the post asking what kit it was. Then it rippled into a storm of confusion :wink: Like social media does so well… lol


So was the doll the same as in the pictures or was she scammed by prototype pictures of Christopher and didn’t get a Christopher ?

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He kinda looks like Presley (I know it’s not him lol but they look similar to me) :joy::joy:
Hopefully they get it worked out… I’d be mad to spend over $1000 for a prototype and it not like as pictured or the quality you expect from a prototype

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It was a realborn Christopher and she got the paperwork stating it.
The pictures just looked better than the doll in person.

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So instead of posting pictures of what it actually looks like she’s going to scam someone else with pictures of what it doesn’t look like and make money on it? I think if a person is asking to buy she should show them pictures of what it truly looks like as she received it


I think she should contact the seller and be truthful and ask for a refund

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Gotcha! That happens. I tell ya no matter how many pictures I take I can’t really show what my work looks like cause some stuff just don’t show upon pics

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That would be fair. Then at least the artist would know. Sad situation for both the artist and the seller. This is why I’m so worried about selling :confounded:

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