Helena Lopes

I discovered this sculpt while looking at my news feed on FB recently. Saw a gorgeous version of her. She’s cute. And her edition is a little smaller. I thinks she’s being released in 2 set editions only. She is the twin to Eloisa. Did anyone else get her?

I’m currently painting Heloisa and Helena both. They are adorable. But personally I like Heloisa better. Her little wrinkles legs are way too cute.

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I love those wrinkled little knees on Heloisa.

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I’m tempted to get Heloisa, too. If I can get Kai to sell on eBay, I would like to get her. Her legs are adorable, and her sweet face. Kai’s been sitting for over a month. Sales are so bad right now.


I’ve painted her :heart_eyes: And I have a blank set of the twins.


Really sweet, nice work.Your eyebrows are super. :footprints: :baby:

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Love her!!! :heart:

Great job on her! Really pretty!

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Just love your bold use of color!

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Agree, those eyebrows looks so natural @RosieCait ! :star_struck:

Aww jeez, thanks guys!! She’s one of my favorites I’ve done.

Somehow she still isn’t sold :eyes: but I’ve also not renewed my reborns membership for like a month or so :joy:

Take her to NC…


I think she will go! I’m getting a late start on show babies. I have two done and one halfway done :joy:


Does anyone know if she is soldout?on truborns it says Out of Stock, not sold-out & she isn’t listed as sold-out editions. So I’m curious if there will be more available? I hope so. I got 2 Heloisa, but hesitated on Helena but hope I didn’t miss out.thanks if anyone knows

Not sure at this point, since it’s been a while since I got Helena, but isn’t she open edition?

limited to 1,000 it says 200 was the early release, then 800 was the rest of the edition.

oh! she’s listed as backordered! I don’t know why I didn’t notice that link. so I answered my own question chuckle. but in case anyone else is interested, it seems there will be more available someday!

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there’s a really pretty one listed on reborns.com right now

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Glad you found the answer. Hopefully she won’t sell out too soon.

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Yes I have been eyeballing her😍

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