Heads on sale including 3month Joseph!

I just snagged a 3 month Joseph head! I’d been hoping they’d have some available, and I know a few others were too.


No No No!

His limbs are also in the parts section. I’m excited to finally have a full kit! Lol. Though I did end up paying the flat rate shipping twice by accident… :sweat_smile:


That’s what I did too,got the head,legs and arms.Price was cheaper than getting a seconds kit of him so I added the body too.I just hope BB does not run out of them since my order went through with no problem.Last time I ordered 2 of him and they ran out before my order was filled so they refunded my payment.

uh oh… oh I hope that doesn’t happen to either of us. I ordered my kit kinda late in the evening. fingers crossed!

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I hope we both get it. Or I should say hope everybody that ordered gets their order this time.


yes absolutely. He seems to be a huge hit. I wasn’t in the community when the kit was released but i’ve heard he sold out within hours.

I wish I seen this post. I have the 3M Joseph limbs when they were on sale in part a few weeks back and could’ve used a 3M Joseph Asleep head

I was thinking the same thing. I’m the opposite though. I now have an extra head with no limbs. But I also currently have a half painted big Joe I need to finish. If you want my extra Joe head, I’ll sell it or trade it. It’s a test head. But I don’t remember any major flaws.


Cool. Will send you a message.