Have you ever... boo boo baby?

Has anyone ever done a boo boo swap/trade? I feel like I’m so frustrated with Clyde that even if I stripped him or pulled out his hair that I would be too stubborn to finish him… anyone ever felt that way? Hes been waiting 4 months for the rest of his hair. I stopped rooting him because the hair wasn’t doing what I wanted, then I ordered some better quality and couldn’t get my fork needles to cooperate, then some how his arms got magically shiny with small black stains on his hand, so I supposed I will be stripping that… I wasn’t super attached to him, so he was supposed to be my first sell baby. RANT Over hahaha.


Don’t strip he can be repaired and if you do not want to fix him and looking for a trade I will be glad to do a trade and fix him myself :slight_smile:


Thank you, I have a feeling I get over critical of myself! I think I will put him away until I finish olive and try and repair his hand. I got some new crown needles so I’ll try that in the next week or so and you gals can let me know if you think he is sales material :slight_smile: whew sometimes this hobby can be stressful!

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