Have you any information on her?

I may have sold a doll on Reborns.com, but now I’m concerned she may be a scammer. Her name is Marissa Cruz. Her payment has gone through PayPal, but she wanted to change the shipping address after her purchase. Have any of you heard of her. She gave me a New York address then changed it to New Jersey, claims it’s her mother. Supposedly she has a new baby and hasn’t had time to change all her address. I hate to be cynical,but it doesn’t feel right. Also, I wouldn’t have thought Kyle would have been my first to sell. He is very inexpensive and only the third doll I’ve made.

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The fact that Kyle sold first I wouldn’t worry about. Different dolls appeal to different people. I would check with PayPal about the address. I believe it has to go to the address on the account in order to have PayPal protection.


You could refund her and start over. No I would not send to a different address.


I’m sure your right.

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You can tell her that changing address on PayPal takes no time.


I have had this happen and I explained it was against our policy to ship to an address not registered with Paypal because it voids all seller and buyer protections offered by them. I told the customer that I was going to cancel the sale and refund, but that I would hold the doll for up to 24hrs for them to change their address and repurchase. They did with no issues. A honest customer that really wants your doll will see that this is in their best interest as well.


Thank you all for your advice, I am going to do as Elizabeth suggests. I’ll let you know if she makes a repurchase.


I wasn’t sure what to do, in hindsight I could have waited until she responded to my message that I wasn’t allowed to change her address and PayPal wouldn’t protect the shipment. I gave her a refund and asked her to change her address and told her I would hold the doll for 24 hours if she still wanted him. I heard from her about 5 hours later, she told me told she is very sorry, she loves the doll, but it will take a few days to get her money back on her card. I’m going to hold it for four days and see if she makes the purchase. She also asked if I was mad. I explained that I wasn’t I was new with PayPal and didn’t understand the rules. Hopefully, it will turn out great for both of us. The next stage is if I mail it, will she like it. Crazy me!


For future reference she can have more than one address on her PayPal.She could have added another and chose it as shipping address.That is,unless they have changed something lately that I don’t know about.Mine has my address and my daughters so we choose the one when we purchase that we want to use.

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Thank you Mary Jane. This has been a learning experience

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