Has anyone purchased the DVD's on sale?

Or do you have them already? How are they? Are they worth the price? TY

I got the B.B. video with beginners kit. It’s very basic, watched only 1/2 then never again. I got part 1&2 of J.Kramer video when on sale last year. Overall it’s very useful. What I found very disappointing was it never showed an overhead view of what she did so I had no idea if I did it right. Plus never really said how much paint to mix and again and overhead view of her mixing them. Which again left me confused as to what I was doing. I didn’t no it If did it right or what. The lighting wasn’t the greatest so that made it challenging to. I do keep watching the videos of Kramer just because eventually I guess I’ll get it right, plus I love her work!! I wouldn’t buy it full price but, sale price is ok. Hope this helps!!


I have Kramer’s dvds 1 n 2 as well. The lighting was off in the videos. It’s been a while since I’ve watched them. So I don’t remember if she gave the amount of paints to use. Each paint color that she use, they list the item number, in case you want to order it. I did find them helpful. I was tempted to buy the hair rooting today. But I kept thinking about it and decided not too. I figured it just a matter of using the right needle n grasping one hair.

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Okay thank you both so much. I think I will stick to the free you tube videos and also Patreon memberships I heard were wonderful for MG.

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Yes, MG is excellent!!

I know! But she does air dry paints :(. I really want to follow someone that does genesis. I’m really struggling.

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I enjoy the painting dvds. learned tricks I did not know.and found them helpful. I am not sorry I got them. of course I add my own touch to my babies that I like but don’t all artists.

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Yes, they do…need your own thumb-print on them :wink:

I have part 1 & 2 of Jacqueline Kramer’s painting videos as well. I agree that they are slightly disappointing. I have watched videos on youtube from customdollbaby.com. If Jacqueline’s videos were more like Kim’s videos they would be a lot more helpful. Kim explains things in more detail and shows better angles of what she is working on. I have yet to see any of Melissa George’s videos, but her babies are always my favourites.


Thank you Amanda…yes I agree Kim has wonderful informative videos. I just wish they weren’t so washed out…they are very bright :slight_smile: But she is Great!! <3

i use genesis too. I just like watching her videos, she is awesome. I’m gonna switch over to the golden paints. I’m slowly buying the items that she mentions in her videos. She has shared so much information. You should give her a try for 1 month. Then you can go back n download all the PDFs and other information she has shared. I just got my leather hole puncher in the mail 2 days ago. I got my golden paints from eBay. Someone stole the square cubes I ordered. I’m gonna make the mottle n speckle sponges she uses. I guess you could say I’m really into her Patreon. Lol :joy::joy:

Who is Kim and where can I find these videos? I can’t find much information on reborning with Golden Paints.

You tube. She does have a website as well but I can’t remember the name

I own all 3 of the Jackie Kramer dvds as well as the one by (I think) Denise Pratt that comes with the beginner kit. I followed along with the beginner kit dvd for my first baby but it is pretty basic and won’t give you the best results. I have watched all 3 of Jackie’s dvds but for some reason I find that written tutorials with detailed photos of the steps have been the best for me to follow along with.

Thanks, cuz I couldn’t remember that at all.

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I have them, i found them helpful and I took notes. If you want, i can sell them super cheap to you like $5 each plus shipping. If you are in the US,