Has anyone noticed this?

So I have not really liked the Jacelyn kit, I think it is the scrunched nose. I have seen her on sale (like she is now) and even wondered when @izzy posted she was doing alterations, if she might be able to smooth the bridge of Jacelyn’s nose. I was just looking at her prototype pictures closer than I have in the past, and I don’t know if it’s just me but it looks like the boy Prototype that looks biracial by Deanna Flynn, appears to have the bridge of his nose smoothed. It does not look as scrunched as the other prototype or other Jacelyn’s that I’ve seen, and I really like it. Has anyone else noticed this or am I just going crazy seeing what I wish was true?

@izzy is this something you think you could do? And what would you charge?

I just think creases and bridge of the nose was just detailed and “emphasized” in the other prototype making it appear that the nose is more “scrunched” than it really is. To me it seems like Deanna Flynn’s Jacelyn the detailing on the nose wasn’t “highlighted” so it doesn’t appear to be as scrunched and such.


I thought that might be a possibility, but I zoomed in super close and just don’t see those creases. I even see them on the blank kit more than I can see them on Deanna Flinns prototype.

I can see them on Denna’s prototype and other versions of Jacelyn. I just don’t think many focus on the creases & such on that part for that reason that is going to draw attention to that area and emphasized it. Just like when a reborn has wrinkles on the forehead I will RARELY do the creasing and such on that part as it is just going to enhance it.


I decided to post pictures so people don’t have to keep going back to look at them. I think even his eyebrows/forehead don’t look like he’s scowling as much.


They look totally different. I wouldn’t even know they were the same sculpt. I pulled up the comparison more and it looks like on the nose the creases just weren’t colored at all so they blended with the skin tone. You can kinda see indentions where they are sculpted.

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I could just fill it in with mold maker. That would be a pretty easy mod. :slight_smile:

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I still believe that the manner in which the creases were done cause the noses to look different. If you notice on the “ethnic” reborn the areas creases and bridge of the nose and brow bone and that intention in front of the brow were actually highlighted whereas they were essentially darkened on the Caucasian reborn. There’s no difference with the kit. Just a difference in the style in which the reborns was created. I doubt as well that a prototype version of a sculpt would be altered as well. :slight_smile:


I can see a big difference, I have seen both and didn’t realize they were the same kit. The top one is definitely cuter!

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Perfect example of how two different artists can paint the same kit and get two entirely different looks. That’s one of the things I love most about the art of reborning.


I kinda think the bottom one gives him a little spark of life :wink:

Just dont paint dark there. Here are my 2 that I have done.


I also painted my Serenity by Laura eagles differently. I did not emphasis the scrunched up fold over her eyes, I added very light highlights in that area to make it almost disappear. You can still see that there is a fold but it is not obvious,


I noticed that immediately. I think it was altered somehow. I like it.


Beautifully done, Mary! :heart_eyes:

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Not all folds and creases have to be emphasized anywhere on the sculpt. You be the judge how you want the overall effect to appear . There are no “rules” how to reborn.


Could it be photoshopped a bit? Maybe that’s not allowed on protos though…???

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I was just about to point that out. I wonder how that would work with other things we don’t like…

I love your Serenity. That scrunched up fold is what made me sell the kit I had…we learn something new everyday!