Has anyone ever painted a biracial reborn doll with air dry paints

This is what I’m going to try and do but I’m nervous as there are no tutorials online so I have no idea how to do it. I suppose layer after layer but problem is I have no idea when to stop.

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Try doing the primary method. It takes more layers but builds the skin tone very gradually so it’s easier to see when to stop.


Thank you. I’ll give that a try. The paints I have got are from special care nursery I’ve also got golden so I could try with that. Can it be any blue yellow or red or does it have to be a certain one like pthalo blue or cerulean blue ect.

I have, however I didn’t have a clue as to what I was doing. It was a Paradise Gallery doll make over. Ethnic skin tone is beautiful. I didn’t do it justice. There are artists out there that do outstanding biracial babies. I use Waterborne air dry paints and I could not find videos to paint biracial babies with this brand that I love. Sorry, I am no help to you.

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Hey that’s okay. I’ve just ordered some biracial coloured paints from special care nursery. I’ll also see If i can do the primary method but have no idea as to how to do it.

Primary method is basically thin washes of red, yellow, blue.


Oh okay but can it be any blue red or yellow different tones ect?

I use Liquitex but the colors I use are naphthol crimson (bright red), cadmium yellow (bright yellow) and ultramarine blue. They sound fancy but they’re very basic primary colors.


I use Liquitex as well. I mostly use burnt umber, primary colours and some burnt sienna for biracial babies.

I think that at one point, the colours really starts to show and I can see if I achieved the skin tone I want or not :blush:


Any red, yellow or blue really. The difference will be in the warm or cold colors, but don’t put too much thinking in that for your first.
The difficulty will be in the shadows. Use a brown (raw or burnt umber) to make it easier.
It’s really like a caucasian baby if you use the primary method, just more layers and a bit less mottling (if you go for a darker skin tone).

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I did these with Golden. It was a bunch of washes really. Can’t remember exactly what, but towards the end if was burnt umber light with a bit of blue to knock out the orange. I do remember a purple wash or two as well.


I use waterborne and golden paints. The first doll I worked on, I tried to do biracial. Here are some pictures: (pardon the photobomb from my other dolls and stuff in the background.)

She’s a lot darker now because I messed up I’ll have to take pictures later.
I follow Vedega Hills Nursery on YouTube and she has some videos about painting with the Waterborne air dry paints. Here’s her channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjmGhRb-JYdIXS1VLtMcG5w
I am still learning how to paint reborns too. Welcome to this wonderful journey of reborning!


Thank you for sharing! I will look at her videos.

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I was about to tag you!!!
You make me want to switch to air dry.


Do it!! You will be so glad that you did when you don’t have to bother with ovens, too big a kit to fit, baking one piece at a time, melting kits ect.

One doll I’m painting now has so many weak spots in the vinyl. In one of the big creases you can pretty much see through it… You know there would have been no baking that.

Where are your babies @Estelle85? I miss them and am waiting to see a new one.


Hahah… sitting. I’m going to get my life together :joy:
I starting rooting one. I need to make a new routine again, after work when they go to sleep I will root and paint on the weekends.

I so want to try air dry but the learning curve seems hard!!! Is it as translucent? Do you add water? Ughhh :woman_shrugging: :joy:


I’ve never painted with Genesis (I wish I could but I don’t have any room for a new wave oven at my house.) I agree the learning curve is hard. One of the problems I have struggled is getting the air dry paints thin enough especially when trying to do the primary method. You do add water, but there’s also so many mediums out there too.

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She has magic powers :wink: LOL
One of the best air dry painters in my opinion.


I agree!!

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Absolutely beautiful :heart_eyes:

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