Has anyone ever made both Sweet Pea Awake and Asleep as twins?

Hi there ladies! I have fallen in love with the Sweet Pea Awake and Sweet Pea Asleep kits by Laura Lee Eagles. I think personally think they are adorable as twins. Here is one of my favorite pictures from the site:

I was just wondering if any of you have made them as twins and what you thoughts are. Maybe share some pics if you would like.


Im doing them both now🙂


@Angel76 Really? Cool! are you making them both girls, both boys or one girl and one boy? will they be bald or rooted. I love bald babies myself!

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Not close to being done


Your twins are so cute!

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Thankyou i hope to finish soon

They are long limbed, older babies i guess

I wonder if it may be the bodies that BB recommends for them too. I assembled a Shyann this past winter and her arms feel awkward on the body BB recommended for her.

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Boy and girl, i love bald babies too, but i havent decided on this one

Cool! I <3 the brother and sister thing!

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I did them as twins last year around Christmas. Not real sure if I mixed up the limbs or not, so they could be a bit unusual!


They are adorable! I love the outfits too :slight_smile:

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Love both of these versions!!

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I made the asleep version and NEVER liked her. I just couldn’t get past the flat face. I wouldn’t do another one. Some like them a lot, just not me!! lol


Those are really cute, I hated the one I did!! hahaha

I didn’t exactly love the ones I did either. They were awkward and not at all cuddly. The sleeping one has a sweet face, but they aren’t very “baby” at all. But they made a good set of twins and someone else liked them better than me so they found a home. No plans to do them again though.

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I plan on intentionally mixing up their limbs when I make them. I think the closed hand goes better with the sleeper.


They look like they need to be in front of a typewriter lol.


I love your version. I only have done the sleeping one and she was a difficult one to pose, but they look good sitting down. I have been thinking of doing the awake one one day because I actually love the details of the limps. Like @lynn said she has a flat face :grinning: but I actually liked it. She actually looked a lot like one of my nephews.


Oh @mcurbelo, you are hilarious!! I got to your typewriter comment and laughed so hard! :joy:

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