Has Adrie Stoete also listed Ducklin as a New Edition?

I just saw on Dolls by Sandie that Ducklin is coming back as a New
Edition with entirely new limbs that no other doll will have. Am I misreading this or has she too joined the few other sculptures who have done this?

I saw that too… could it just be new to her (dolls by Sandie)? Like she got in some of Nikki Johnston’s kits recently even thought they’ve been out for a while (Kiara I think).

Where does it say that? Adrie specifically says he will not be released again because she believes limited edition should truly mean limited edition.

All I see on Dolls By Sandie is an in stock kit. She often has kits after other dealer sell out.

OMG it’s no longer there, if Rebecca Kate hadn’t seen it I would think I have lost my mind!!! It clearly said it would have new limbs that no other Stoete doll had? It has probably been about 1 1/2-2 hours ago?? Did Sandie remove it? I wasn’t try to make trouble, I was very surprised the way it was stated, I know Ducklin is a Limited Edition of 1000. I just assumed that had been reached and there was to be new dolls made thus a new Edition??
I just looked at my first message and that has been three hours ago, I guess it must have 31/2-4 hours ago when I read this about Ducklin.

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I only saw her email saying duckin would be arriving soon. But when you go to the link in the email it does say Ducklin will have unique limbs. I’m guessing Sandie is just getting the kit in now? Like it’s new to her?

No. I got Ducklin from her a long time ago. The listing has always said that about the limbs.

In her email it said arriving soon. Must just be more stock then if she’s already been stocking Ducklin. The email combined with the unique limb thing did make it seem like it was a new release or something

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Jeez I’m relieved, I also got Ducklin from her over a 1 1\2 ago, I thought I had to pick from several limb styles, but that doesn’t matter if this is still the original Edition. Does seem like 1000 dolls would have been sold by now, but she wasn’t the most popular sculpt.

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She wasn’t, but I sure loved her. She was a ‘gotta have it’ for me.

Adries limited edition kits always say that about the limbs. She’s also got mix and match kits where you pick the limbs, but the limited edition kits always come with their own limbs that won’t be reused for other kits.

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Thank you for that explanation, that clears it up completely. I wonder if I should remove my original question? I don’t want anyone to just read that and get bad ideas about Sandi or Adrie.


I would change the title to “clarified” or something like that.

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It’s a good question though. And it was resolved successfully. I don’t see it as negative toward DBS or Adrie. At some point someone else may stumble across this thread and learn something. The question of who will and won’t open previous closed editions is on everyone’s mind now. Andrea Arcello broke our trust. :cry:

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