Happy Birthday to me...a great BB sale

It’s my birthday, and I am thrilled to see my RB Dominic Awake on sale…can’t wait to get him.


He’s adorable! I just finished Dominic asleep…I just love him! I’m on a BB sale diet…well my Paypal is LOL. Happy and Very Blessed Birthday to you!! <3 :shaved_ice::tada::balloon:

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Happy Birthday !

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Happy Birthday! There are lots of good sales today. Too bad it’s not my birthday. I can’t justify buying anymore kits right now. :grimacing:


Happy birthday! You are going to LOVE him!


Yours is beautiful. I’m going to make mine ethnic also. Your lips are gorgeous.

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Happy Birthday

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Happy birthday!

I looked n had the awake n asleep Dominic in my cart. Then I said to myself I don’t need any more kits. I actually have thought about giving up reborning. So, I’m thinking just work on the kits that I have. I’m actually working on Dominic awake now. Happy birthday :balloon::gift::birthday:


Happy birthday!! I celebrated with you by buying a few kits I didn’t need :joy::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::birthday::tada:- hope it’s great!

Happy Birthday Beautiful :two_hearts::heart:️:tada::confetti_ball::gift::birthday::balloon::lollipop::cookie::hatching_chick::star:

Sounds like you had a Great Birthday----always a great day when kits are involved!! Happy Day!!

Happy Birthday!!! :butterfly: :beetle: :balloon: :dolls: :heart_eyes_cat:

happy birthday many more :gift:

Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes.

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Happy Belated Birthday !!! Hope you enjoyed your day !!! I am with you, I was so excited to see Dominic awake on sale. I have been patiently waiting and there he is. I grabbed a couple and am so excited !!! I think he is such a cutie

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Happy birthday

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Happy Happy Birthday~

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