Half Price Tina Kewey Kits

I don’t know if this is allowed here but the company in Canada has Tina Kewey kits half price today. I think it’s only for today, Wednesday. In case anyone is interested.


Can you link please or PM please.

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It’s MacPherson’s under Wacky Wednesday. They even have Lucy, Gus and Ellis which are hard to find. If I had any dolly dollars I’d buy all 3 of these.

For some reason I was able to check out with 2. ( didn’t really need to get 1 much less 2 )

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I need to go have a look. I LOVE Tina’s dolls - Can you tell??? lol Here are a few I have done over the years… I have done 5 Grace, 4 Freya, 2 Lucy, 1 Gus, 1 It’s a Girl, 2 Cherish and several others like Tobias , etc but won’t bore you with all the pics…lololololol Never get tired of painting some of her kits…



Don’t worry, Michelle. You’ll catch a great deal somewhere when you do have the cash! I’ve missed out on some great sales, too…when someone finds out how to grow money trees I’ll be very happy! :blush:

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Thanks a lot! I not only bought a Tina Kewy, I also bought another doll and two bodies! LOL. I knew I wouldn’t last a day without spending some of my dolly dollars.


I believe it is still going on. Well earlier I checked and they were still half off.

I really didn’t know if it was ok to post this so I didn’t say the name. I am really glad some of you got to take advantage of it and got some kits. I didn’t get any myself trying to save for ROSE next year, plus I have like a million kits already. I really had to hold myself back cause I thought it was a terrific deal !!!

Thank God I didn’t have any dolly dollars or they would have been POOF! GONE!

Beautiful baies, Starr!

Ahhh thanks Amy, You always make me smile!!! I was looking at them after I posted them though and thinking that most of her sculpts look very much alike…Never really noticed now much alike they are till I put all their pictures together…lolol I did David as well and he even favours them all too…hahahaha!

Thank you again sweet lady… :smile:


He’s a sweetie, too! I just looked at all the pics again and they do all look “related”. I guess she has developed her style!

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