Hair mapping tools?

What do you guys use to map your heads? I have tried chalk, didnt like it. Dress makers pencil, didnt make a single mark on the vinyl. I bought some watercolor pencils as suggested in another post, but contrary to what the poster said, they do NOT wipe off, they wer likely just hidden by the mohair. I wont get near a doll with something that stains so anything blue, purple, red, etc is out of the question. I used purple and yellow chalk on clydes head when i mapped him out and they both stained. (The box did not have white)

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I use regular old chalkboard chalk, but get it wet before drawing.


I use a white “French manicure” pencil to map my heads with xx


I use a dressmaker’s pencil. I also varnish the head before rooting; that helps give some “tooth” for the pencil.


I use regular old chalkboard chalk, it wipes off as you’re rooting but I just add new lines. What I really like about it is it wipes right off, not hassle!! If you have a vision of your hair pattern it’s easy to just add the lines as you go when they disintegrate, no problem!!


I use a plain ole number 2 pencil or a white gel pen to do mapping.
The pencil sometimes wipes off when wet but typically has to be erased but if you draw lightly it’s very easy to get off without damaging the paint. The white gel pen comes off with water :wink:

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I use prism white pencils. It wipes off easily.

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I use prisma in the color close to the baby’s hair, then I don’t even bother cleaning it up…lol

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Hm. I must be doing something wrong with the dress makers pencil because it does not mark vinyl for me. I tried it out on clydes head, which is varnished, but nothing showed up. Im testing other tools on a test limb to be sure they dont stain (and i am glad i have been too!)

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It works better if the the head has been varnished. Try wetting the tip.

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