Had to take a break

Stressed!!! A little cat showed up on my deck two days ago. She wouldn’t leave,was howling and howling. Was walking funny with head tilted to one side. Now mind you,I live in the country,with not many neighbors, farms down the road,etc. A lot of wild animals. So, I was afraid to handle it or let my kids and dog out.
Called about 20 animal shelters,vets,animal control…not one would help.
The kitty kept trying to get in the house,was not afraid of us,obviously not feral.
Fed and watered poor baby
Put it on Facebook that no shelter would help(yet they beg for money,yes I’m disgusted).
My wonderful sister in law offered to pay for vet. I was hoping it was ok, and not brain injured or worse.
Took it the next day. Has severe ear mites,and ear infections, but other than that,clean bill of health.
Dr. And I think some jerk dumped it on the side of road thinking with barns it would fend for itself. People are so cruel.
It is litter trained,loves people,super affectionate.
My brother and sister in law are adopting it!!!
So, needless to say I am way behind in my orders due to “Church” the kitty,soo stressed!!!
Teaching a good lesson to kids about animal rescue though.
These shelters need to go spend time with Sarah Mclachlan!!!


Poor little thing :frowning: So great of you, though, to take her in and glad to hear she’s going to be okay. How nice of your brother and SIL to adopt her, that’s wonderful! She’ll have a very happy life now! :smile:


Poor baby. The ears were probably murder. Probably why she was yowling. So kind of you. Glad she found a good home with them. My family lived/lives out in the country. People are ALWAYS dumping cats dogs puppies kittens etc. My mom and dad have a cat now named Tuxedo. She was a dump a few years ago and moved in on them. So sad. She had been a pet at one time as she was fixed. She was a little rough to begin with but is very sweet now.


Some people just don’t realize or care that once a domesticated kitty, it’s very hard for them to adapt and they often go to nearest house,or die.
This little sweetie,loves affection,our dog(she does not reciprocate the love),just a little gem.
So so glad she’s ok,she is a wonderful kitty.


@adutt Here is the kitten that came running into my yard two months ago, right up to my black dachshunds. I walked our road with the kitten to see if she was missing from any of our closest neighbors, which she was not. We also live in the country surrounded by woods. My daughter had wanted a kitten for her four year old daughter for some time, so she came and got her and took her to the vet, got a clean bill of health and now she is known as “Leelah”. We suspect that she was dumped also; the vet said she had been raised indoors…no mites, fleas or worms. I’m just glad that she made it to my house and so is my granddaughter!


Looks like “Church”, except ours has orange eyes. Wish we could keep her,but hubby is soooo allergic.


Amazing isn’t it! I am also allergic…she is so sweet. Here’s a picture of her new best friend besides my granddaughter.


Poor baby. My last kitten was a shelter cat,don’t understand why people just think they can dump them cause they don’t want them! God forbid! What would they do with children if they don’t want to deal with them! Glad she is getting a good home :grinning: she reminds me of one that we had along time back with those white feet​:cat2::purple_heart:


I’m so glad you found a home for the kitty. I was waiting to hear that it had babies. So glad that didn’t happen. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My hubby brought a tiny, homeless kitten home a few months ago. He’s a keeper! Our cat loves the company. He was so small, I know the dogs thought he was a squirrel. :open_mouth:

Kudos to all of you that have brought in a stray animal. It’s amazing that they can love again even though their previous owners abandoned them.


Those 2 pictures are precious!:heart_eyes: your granddaughter will have the best friend and companion. Love it!!


That’s how I ended up with 2 of my 4 dogs!!! Lol good job! St. francis smiles at you!!! :smiley::heart: