Guys, just not happy with my work

Lately I’m just not happy with my work. I feel like its “okay” right now and I’m not learning much new. I MAJORLY screwed up an eye on my daughter’s christmas doll and dont know how to fix it. Its got crap all over it. It was a little,loose in the socket so I tried adding glue in thw corners… Do you see where I’m going with this? I mean my others I’ve been working on look pretty good but the onea for my kids arent what i wanted them to be. Suggestions?


Thanks. I may have to replace them. I really screwed them up. E6000 but also a clear varnish. Bleh. Do you think i should try the next size up than it calls for?

I think they’re cute, too! Can you post a pic of the eye?

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Have you tried rubbing alcohol on the eye? JUST on the eye, not the whole eye area…it’s worth a shot. Ask me how I know this; no…don’t :confused:


I think your work is adorable! Espeically love Gabriel. :slight_smile: That said, if you’re wanting to learn some new techniques and tips, maybe consider taking a class at REAL or maybe even the ROSE doll show next year. :slight_smile:


I love your dolls. It still gives me goosebumps, when they look so real.


Thanks so much ladies. :blush: Does anyone know of there are any hair painting tutorials with air dry paints? Here’s her cruddy eyeball. Looks like my mother in laws pug/shitzu when his eye started to die… I’ve never had an eye do this.

Oh and the lashes drooped

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Have you tried rubbing alcohol on the eye? JUST on the eye, not the whole eye area…it’s worth a shot.

Ill try it. Thanks Karen! :wink:

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Use a qtip?

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Yes, just rubbing alcohol on a q-tip, careful not to get it on the paint around the eye, just rub the eye only.

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I think you’ll have to take the eyes out and the eyelashes off. Are the eyes glass? Alcohol clouds acrylic eyes. That said, I think your babies are all adorable. Your kids will love them.


So cute…They make me smile when you look at them… :smiley:

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Thanks ladies. You all make me feel better :blush: Thank you for all the advice


I would gently remove the eyelash and then the eye, then use rubbing alcohol on the eye to gently remove the glue…any excess glue can be removed from the eyelash as well before re applying it…good luck.!


They are all beautiful. Your daughters will love them.

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Thank you :slight_smile: ordered 2 new sets of eyes diff sizes…


Aw, they are all adorable. It is easier to clean glass eyes than it is acrylic ones. You probably did the best thing by ordering new ones. BTW, I think your girls will love them.

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Thanks :wink: